Chapter 12

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'Heal the scars on my back, I don't need them anymore.'


Residing between her fingers the old china glass sent off scorching waves. Cassandra didn't care to retreat from this pain, she only clutched the teacup harder. She sunk deeper into the old brown sofa, although her bones didn't relax into this luscious material. Her eyes bore daggers into the flames in front of her, pulling her into a trance of thought.

"Where is she?" A voice asked gently. Although aware of these actions, Cassandra continued watching the flames dance in front of her hazy eyes.

"In the living room. She's been sat there for hours."

The sofa sunk beside her, swaying the girl in her thoughts. They sighed, after a moments silence, beside her.

Cassandras foot tapped anxiously against the wool rug floor, "They're going to get rid of my memories again, aren't they?" She asked, after a moment, her voice raw, and with watering eyes.

They were a sigh, and then a hand removed the china from her fingers and placed it on the old oak coffee table in front of the soft chair. Cassandra turned to look at the man, his heart breaking at the shining eyes, "I hope not no." Then, after running a shaking hand through his greying hair, Remus turned back to face the girl, "The Minister has being denying Voldemorts return for months, and with the revelation that Sirius Black wasn't a-" The man took a shaking breath, "Wasn't a Death Eater, he has a lot more serious matters on his hands. He doesn't really have much power to decide that a Muggle - with as much information as you do - should be Obliviated at the moment."

A small "Oh" escaped Cassandra's dry lips. She turned her head back to face the fire, "When can I go home?" Remus sighed, Cassandra turned to face him, sitting up straighter in the seat, "I want to go home." She said, her voice turning harsher, "I haven't seen my sisters since the house was attacked; I don't even know if they're alive, Remus. I want to go home."

"You can't." He said in a sorrowful tone, "Not yet, at least. You have to wait until the trial has passed."

"We don't even know when the trail is!" She said, her tone disbelieving, "I haven't seen my sisters in weeks-"

"Weeks?" Remus asked, his voice calm as he watched the angry girl, "Cassandra you went missing in December."

Unknowing what the older man's point was on this small, irrelevant detail, Cassandra raised an unamused eyebrow, "Yeah, I know." She said, bluntly.

"Cassandra, it's June now."

She felt her heart skip a beat, before dropping to the floor and shattering into a million unfixable pieces. Unable to be glued back together as the finest shards of it were embedded into the oak floor, "it's been six months?" Cassandra stood up from the chair in sudden alarm, her legs shaking in fear, "I need to go home. I-"

Remus stood up as he watched her panic. He reached forward, placing his hands on the girl's shoulders to steady her. Flinching back in fear, Cassandra looked at him in shock, "Please don't touch me."

Nodding, Remus stepped away from the girl, "Your sisters are okay, Cassandra." He assured, holding the girl's steady gaze, "Once we found out you had gone missing we sent a group of Order members to make sure that they, and your parents, are okay."

The initial shock from this discovery flushed out of her like a tidal wave, and Cassandra fell back onto the old sofa with a defeated thud, "So when do we think this trial is going to be then?" She asked as a shaking hand picked the china glass with her cold hands.

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