Season 4 Episode 3: Crystallix Lights the Torch

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This Episode Is Requested possible by my biggest supporter of this book biancaambrocio04 Be sure to check out some of her stuff, Her squad helps out the warvengers once again in a way extremely and wonderous, Anyway, Let's continue.


*the story continuing, bringing curiosity, Wonder, action, and beauty, yet the path of our Warvengers still continue*

*I continue working on the documents, Bianca comes in*

Bianca: sorry about Payton.

Me: It's okay, it's not your fault, as long as you're happy then... Well, I'm okay too.

Bianca: but are you though?

Me: Bianca, can I be honest with you?

Bianca: well those six words do not come out of you without a reason.

Me: Bianca, I am not frickin' okay!! I'm doing my best to improve, I haven't played the Oculus in a while, I just want true love, but it feels like everytime I try to help the girl I want to fall in love with with her problems I fail..  and I already did five times! 5, Bianca, 5! And if I see Jasmine or Courtney a one of those Franklin County Recreation events I go to, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do!

Bianca: I need to suggest you something that might help.

Me: well at least you're taking the effort and time and to listen to what I need to say and hopefully it'll help I'm all ears.

Bianca: I suggest taking some time off and relaxing your mii, Vaughn, and I, we'll finish these documents for you, you got a lot on your table, Joshua, it's time you put those in files and take a chill pill, take some time off to relax.

Me: are you sure you three can handle these documents?

Bianca: yes sir.

Me: Alright, well if any of your squad wants to help too, Then I am all in for your squad to help you with these documents as well.

Bianca: Alright, we will see what we can do, Sir, have a good time.

Me: You too.

*Montage Of Bianca and The Crystallix Squad looking over documents and filling them out, Vaughn and my mii doing the same for 3 Days*

*Montage of doing meditation with cream, Exercising At The Gym, eating at the buffet, swimming at the pool, And Finally collapsing on the bed snoring softly, this happened for 7 days*

*The next morning, Everyone was doing fine, the headquarters was not on fire, and I returned to my office, seeing Bianca who was fell asleep on my desk, I smiled Softly, and carried her to bed, I decided to write her a note for all that she and her Squad have done, 4 hours later Bianca woke up, saw the note and read it*



Thank you and your squad for taking the time to Fill out all documents needed, you and your squad deserve a break, I was able to come well-adjusted and mostly forget about what happened in the past week, Mii and Vaughn told me what you did, and must I say I am extremely impressed of how you pulled this off and not set the headquarters on fire, and for that we have come up with a Prototype that is kind of like an extension to the headquarters a Beacon of Hope, I would want you and your squad tomorrow to build this "Beacon of Hope." No promotions, no demotions, no pressure.



*5 Days Later, At Night*

Me: My fellow Warvengers, today is the unveiling of our new prototype The "Beacon of Hope" built by our talented Crystallix Squad, lift the tarp! *The Tarp is lifted by four Cargo helicopters, to be a small box with a light on each side* Bianca, throw up the box. *Bianca did as I said, and a box as up to expand into a giant glowing Tower, with a beacon like light, with a lavender smell for the nighttime, and other kinds of essential oil smells for any area of the world*

Me: With this expansion we are sure to bring peace to the world instead of Terror, all thanks to Bianca and her Crystallix Squad.

*Bianca and her Crystallix Squad give a salute as i saluted back*


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