Season 4 Episode 2: BiancaJosh

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This Episode I made myself of a relationship between a supporter of this book and myself, Of course this couldn't happen in real life, But if it did then yay! Anyway, Let's get on with the Show.


*Shows a Montage of Myself and Bianca Doing an assortment of activities, Working on Documents to Accept Insurance for the Other Locations of the Headquarters, I train Bianca in fighting with her hands and feet, Practice Sparring, Now we are in the lounge room, relaxing*

Me: Wow... we have done a lot together...

Bianca: Yeah...

Me: Hmmm.... *I lower my head in shame*

Bianca: You Okay?

Me: Yeah... It's just I have had a bad experience with love, I have broken the hearts of 4 women, 2 who happen to be around my age, One who is 26 and autistic, and one who is 32, disabled, and uses a walker... I don't know if i can make it through life, single and alone. I mean it is great, Being Leader Of The Warvengers, The Lone Flipagramist, and Training For Long Drive... But i feel like my life just wants more... But it ends up getting taken away at a short amount of time...

Bianca: Hmmm... That is not good... Should there be anything i can do to help?

Me: I... am not sure how old you are and i shouldn't really ask women that question, That and how much they weigh, Yuggghh!!

Bianca: Well, I mean i have feelings for Either Curtis or rayman... And Maybe i might've had a crush on you when you were helping me train, God, You were so strong, sweaty, and sexy...

Me: The Point is...

Bianca: Look, This is A One time Thing... You are pretty much Older than Me, and... Idk, You used to date someone way older than you... So If I dated you, It would be the reverse, Because I am younger than you.

Me: Yeah, But i am gonna be mature in this relationship, Because This might help me in a way unique and comfortable.

Bianca: It will?

Me: Yeah.

Bianca: Alright, To put this to the test, When and Where you do you wanna go on a date?

Me: Tomorrow, Noon, We Don't have to dress formal, I'd Say the Waterpark but what do you wanna do?

Bianca: Well, Whatever feels comfortable to you, Also, I love the waterpark, I don't mind if we try that.

Me: So It's Settled.

Bianca: Yep.

*Bianca Kissed my Cheek as we went our seperate ways, I went back to my office to finish the documents with Vaughn, and Bianca Was Training in the Gym*

*3 Hours Later*

*I was walking around the halls and Saw Bianca With Curtis, Instead of getting Jealous I was actually fine where i was, I actually now have a girlfriend named Payton*

Me: So We Are Just People who work really well together and have strong friendly feelings for eachother...

Bianca: Yes We Are...

Me: We got Loves

Bianca: We do.

Me: What can we say? Could have feelings for eachother.

Bianca: But only for necessary times.

Me: Exactly, We won't cheat on our loves.

Bianca: Yes.

Me: Glad we are in Agreement, A Team, not a thing.

Bianca: Some Chemical connection..

Me: but more like siblings not a couple.

Bianca: Couldn't Agree More.

Me: Tell Curtis I Said Hi.

Bianca: Same with Payton, Hope this Right Hand Love Job fits her.

Me: Hope so Too, Btw Can you do something?


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