Big brother

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After finishing the food you went to the ladies room and left the two of them alone again.

" so why did they take her instead if some other girl?" Killua asked

" it's because they had a girl born on the same day as her but the baby soon died. They wanted a child so they killed my parents and took her away but they didn't really love her, to them she was a pet to be played with and then disposed off once finished but they don't want anyone to see that file because it would give them a bad reputation and she might tell people so they decided to kill her. No matter what they do I won't let them hurt my lovely sister" Hisoka said while crushing his empty cup completely

"Hmm? And what happened with illumi?"

" well illumi didn't want to anger me so I guess where good for now" Hisoka explained

A few minutes ago

Once you got out the restroom you started heading towards Killua and Hisoka when you over heard them talking about... You. Over hearing them talk about this made you feel extremely uneasy. You weren't sure what to do anymore, you knew they where trying to kill you but it just didn't hit you until then. You always pretended not to see it and deep inside you always hoped that it would be a misunderstanding and everything would go back to the way it was. But this, this just completely crushed you. You wanted to know the truth and you wanted to know it now. Giving in to temptation you take the folder out, open it, reach inside, and read it's contents.

With one hand covering your mouth and the other holding the papers you let out a small silent sob while trying to stay standing. By the time you finished reading the paper your knees gave out and you sat in the corner by the restrooms crying. You felt broken the people you always thought of as your parents were actually strangers who killed your real parents even worse just to keep their name clean they would have had you killed.

At the moment you thought despair would take over Killua's head pops out the corner of your eye. He sees you shedding tears and makes a painful expression when he sees that you've opened the yellow folder.

He says and asks nothing, he simply walked over next to you and offered you his chest where you clung on to his body and cried like a baby who just had your bottle stolen. After a while you look up to see Killua's gentle face patiently waiting for you to calm down. He strokes your hair and looks at you with a concerned face.

" it's okay, you'll make it through this" Killua said reassuringly

" mm... Okay" you replied as you calmed down and got yourself together

After fixing yourself a bit you go back to where Hisoka was with Killua

" Hisoka we need to talk" you said sternly

" hmm? Is this about... You opened it huh?!" Hisoka asked in surprise

In return you nodded and gave him a big warm hug with tears in your eyes

" I'm sorry for leaving you all alone for so long big brother"

" ... It's okay, I'm sorry for not taking you back from those people" Hisoka said with a genuine smile as he wiped your tears away " I missed you so much" Hisoka said as he enveloped you in his warm embrace

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