Escape Plan

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 Students flooded down the stairs with excitement. It was the end of the day. Such a relaxation for many. But not Louis, his eyes still burned with crippling sadness. He never thought those green pure eyes would ever stand him up especially after the amount of chemistry in so little time. He punished Harry by going off the grid the rest of the weekend. It was petty and very stupid to do when the dance competition had a time limit but the betrayed feeling just wasn't leaving.

 Liam's continuous humming was frazzling his brain. "Guy, could you be quiet for two seconds!" His ocean eyes groaned as the peppy lad beside him counted to two quietly before starting up that obnoxious noise once again. Whacking the strong hand on the locker, it opened faster than any other time. Liam mimicked Louis' action only to end up with a bruised hand. "I hate it when you let your anger sizzle like you're just waiting to explode", Liam muttered wearily, side eyeing his pissed friend as a couple of twats began to trot by.

 "Oooh Sadie he looks mad". Of course it was the typical jackass high-school couple.  The death stare sent from the blue eyes made their self obsessed personalities scowl. "Come on Trent, we ain't welcome here", Sadie mocked, flipping her long blonde curls in their unsatisfied faces.

"Wait, you got those papers for History right?", Trent questioned, peeking inside the locker Liam had smashed his aching fist on moments before. "Yeah but these are fully completed papers, imma need some money...we got Kennedy, Johnson and Roosevelt". Louis stared at the exchange of money, impressed by his friend's skill in business. "I want Kennedy".

 Louis awkwardly squeezed past the trio, wanting to be lonely once again but the conversation behind really got his blood boiling to a high concentration. "He's touchy at the minute ain't he Liam....probably couldn't get in his partner's pants. HA! What a gay!" Trent was letting out unattractive laughs all around and they matched him perfectly. It was true that the guy was stamped with a beauty mark but he had the most ugly heart much like his girl.

 "Oh be quiet you dick! He didn't even see him, he stood him up so yeah, you're wrong like always!" The uncontrollable giggles that left the pair had the business man knock his head against the wall, missing Louis aggressively flip him off before leaving the building. Another silly slip of the mouth.


Our hope in sorrow and in whoa
Oh Maria
Triumph all ye cherubim

Sing with us sweet seraphim
Heaven and earth resound the hymn
Salve, salve salve regina

"Again boys! You aren't harmonizing!" Miss Abigail sighed, hearing many different versions of the song but only two seemed to have it down and they didn't even have their full attention. Niall was reading a magazine, it was snug in front of the choir book so no piercing eyes could see and yet he still whacked that "Sweet Cherubim" high note along with his partner in crime, Harry. He seemed out of sorts today like he was off in a world of his own. With those blue eyes taking every step with him, dancing in the mist....but then he disappears and the guilty butterflies crawl into Harry's stomach once again. 

"I gotta call him...he may not want to speak to me but this dance needs to be done and I said we'd schedule for Monday ",Harry whispered as he got down on his knees making a clean break for it. Legs kicked at his sides but his body continued immerging from the aisles. It's a wonder how they could all fit on those benches piled up like staircases in Harry Potter. But the sound of the Irish's diversion had the lanky legs bolting away.


"So where were ya on Saturday then?", Louis pressured, leaning against the wall of the little field as Harry slumped his shoulders and sank his head down even lower. "Grounded...I was out with you for too long then stayed out alone for too long so my dad verbally kicked my ass as my mother grounded me". Louis let out a low whistle to show some sympathy but it quickly diminished. 

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