The Bodyguard

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A/N: Sit back and grab a snack for this one, it's a bit lengthy. And as always, read with caution. Love and appreciate y'all.



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"So Ms. Pete. May I ask why you're interested in this job? What brings you here today?"

The woman in question sits up in the uncomfortable leather chair she occupies, adjusting her posture. Feeling just the slightest bit intimidated by the woman sitting at the desk before her, Megan straightens out her suit jacket, as well. She clears her throat before she speaks.


"Ms. Union," the older woman responds as she corrects the interviewee, her tone the slightest bit snappy. She taps the name plate residing on her desk with a gold colored pen, clearly pointing it out to the other person in the room.

The name plate reads Gabrielle Union. It's a rather nice name. Fancy. But the woman is scary as hell. All Megan can think as she sits through this dreadful interview is please... don't mess up.

"Right," Megan responds, doing her best to keep her voice composed and professional. "My apologies, Ms. Union."

The Houston native exhales subtlety when she sees the older woman relax a bit in her much larger, and seemingly more comfortable, chair. Megan is relieved that she seems to have made up for her error.

"And you've asked me why I want this job? Why I've come here?" Ms. Union nods her head in response. "Well, I've just recently moved to Los Angeles. I have a friend who works with the Hamiltons. I'm just trying to get settled, find some employment. He told me y'all," Megan pauses, correcting herself to sound a little more professional. Gabrielle doesn't seem to be a very big fan of the heavy Southern twang in her voice."He told me the family is looking to hire a female bodyguard."

Gabrielle hums. "I see. And who is this friend of yours?"

"Kellon. Kellon Deryck."

"Ah!" Gabrielle quips. "The driver. He's a good one. Stays quiet, does his job. I'm hoping you're capable of the same?"

"Yes, Ma— I mean, yes Ms. Union. I'm more than capable of keeping to myself. All I want to do is protect whoever it is who needs protecting."

Gabrielle seems to smile a bit to herself, satisfied with Megan's answer.

Leaning back in her chair, "How much do you know about the Hamiltons?" Gabrielle seems a bit more kind now, like she's warmed up to Megan the slightest bit. She doodles something on a sheet of paper as she awaits the younger woman's response.

"Not very much outside of their professional careers. I'm a big fan of Mr. Hamilton's films though, he's a legend for sure."

Gabrielle can see the admiration on Megan's face as she speaks of the famed Hollywood director. The younger woman seems to be a fan of his, but not an overly obsessed one. That's a good sign.

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