//Fatima's P O V//
"Don't go! Trust me, Fatima! A is just playing games with you!" Saif was shouting for no reason.
"Why do you care? Every time I asked you a freaking thing about the damn A you never cared, why now?"
"I know, but your not going to meet the right pers-"
"I'm done with you, Saif! I'm going and that is final!"
"Then I'm coming with you!"
"You can't!"
"I get the same text from A and it says I should come with you."
"Why would you listen to A now?"
"It doesn't matter. Can we go."
After 20 something minutes of walking we reached the park. It was crowed with people.
"So many people!" I looked around.
"Did you get a text yet?"
"No!" I take out my phone and nope texts.
After few seconds my phone buzzes.
Go over to the bench and sit there - A
"A texts from A and it's say go over to the bench."
"The sits are already taken."
I looked around and saw a bench that was sitting an old lady by herself.
"What about that one," I said, pointing to the bench where the old lady was sitting.
We walked over and sit. The lady was modest and beautiful.
"Asalamu aliekum," I smiled at her.
"Wasalam, you must be Fatima."
Wait a minute! Did she just my name?
"She said your name," Saif whisperd.
"I know."
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"Mrs. Old lady."
"Wow! That's an odd name!" Saif mutter.
"Shut up!"
"Here," the old lady said handing me a huge pink bag "This is everything you need and make sure you follow the directions."
"I can't take things from stranger, who are you?"
"I will have to go now," she said getting up "I hope you and Yameen work out things." And with that, she vanished.
"What the heck!"Saif shout.
"That was such a waste of time! I'm out of here!"
"I'm starving! Do you want go to the restaurant?"
"Yes, please."
We get in his car and start driving.
"Is this halal?"
"Trust me, everything in here is halal."
I wait for our orders and I was surprise to see the waitress. It was my friend, Emma from college. Aka the girl Saif have crush on.
"You work here?"
"Yeah, I started 2 weeks ago," she replied placing our orders on the table.
"It was good seeing you, Saif," she smiled before she left.
"You too," he said smiling and blushing at once.
"Your blushing! How cute!"
"Shup up!"
"Who's gonna make me?"
"I can't believe she's taller than you!"
"She's only 5'7 and it doesn't matter. And FYI Yameen is taller than you too."
"The guy is suppose be to taller, half-baked."
"You're the other half-baked you know."
"I'm nothing like you."
"We both like someone who doesn't like us back."
"So what?"
"So... We should get married. I'm sure we'll make an amazing couple."
Wait... What?
"Oh, my Lord! Are you kidding me?"
"I Kid you not."
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Now We Realize
SpiritualReached #6 in spiritual in (3/2/15) Sometimes it's not that two people aren't right for each other. It's more like the timing wasn't right. Fatima Mansur is 17 years old girl who is smart and alone. Her dad raped a women 18 years ago and that woman...