Abdullah's POV (Yameen's dad)
Ding. Dong. Ding. Dong.
Should I keep doing this? I mean ringing the doorbell of this house. I have a business meeting to attend, and I can't really be wasting my time here.
"Let's just leave," said Yameen. "They're just a waste of time." As Yameen finished his sentence, the door sprung open. I stared at the beautiful and modest young girl who opened the door. As soon as she saw us, she runs. We entered the house and walked towards the living room to sit on the couches.
I needed to use the restroom, and since I'm still unknown to where everything is in this house, I asked the women, who I assumed was the mother of this house, to show me where the restroom is.
I finished my job in the restroom and before, I walked back towards the living room, I heard someone reading the Quran very beautifully. I listened a while longer and realized that the reciter was reading Surah Al-Kahf. It sounded so beautiful and smooth, it was also well recited without any mistakes. I enter the room where the voice was coming from, and I was shocked as I saw who the person was. It was the very same person who opened the door.
"Can I help you?" she asked as she stared at me in bewilderment as I stood firmly against the door. She looked scared, and I wouldn't blame her, since I came inside her room without a warning.
" Masha'Allah," I said to her before walking out of her room. While I was walking up the stairs towards the living room, I heard people talking.
" ...But she runs away and they're here to marry her! We can't have them go, since we need the money." What are going to do?" Said Munirah. Before her husband responded, he noticed that I was standing in front of the living room entrance and listening onto to them.
" I heard what you were saying care to explain." I walked towards them as I spoke. There was a long pause before the mother had the courage to break the news.
"She agreed to the marriage and all, but ended up deceiving us on the long awaited day by running away." Said Munirah. If she runs away, then why didn't they tell us sooner about this devastating news! That's when it hit me, the girl who opened the door! Maybe Yameen could marry her since he still hasn't seen the face of the girl he was to marry.
"So, what are you going to do?" I asked. " Since you both know that she ran away, and yet my son is waiting outside to see his yet to be wife."
''We will figure out something." said the father, Ahmed, and a slight tone of nervousness could be heard as he spoke.
"Hmm... how about the girl in that room," I said while pointing to the room. They shared a silent look as they stared at each other, almost as though they were communicating to each other about my idea.
"Yeah, of course, yes. She can be the bride," the father said, and with that the agreement came to a disclosure as I walked towards the room where the girl was.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked her and waited for her response. All she did though was nod her head in agreement.
"What is your name?" I didn't know how to properly start off this conversation, so I started it off by asking for her name.
"Fatima," She said as she lowered her gaze. I truly do want this girl to marry my son, she could change his life in a good way.
"What do you think about marriage?" I asked wanting to hear her opinion.
"Umm.........I think it is a...good thing because it's a have in our deen." MashAllah. I love how she said it's a have in our deen.
"So...what would you say, if I ask you to marry my son, Yameen?" I said as I dropped the bomb, all I could do now is pray that she would agree.

Now We Realize
SpiritualReached #6 in spiritual in (3/2/15) Sometimes it's not that two people aren't right for each other. It's more like the timing wasn't right. Fatima Mansur is 17 years old girl who is smart and alone. Her dad raped a women 18 years ago and that woman...