Who Wants To Play a Game? Question 2

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Due to different time zones (and people seeing the questions at different times), I changed the prize: the 14 people with the most correct answers after 14 days will get one chapter of The Suit War dedicated to them! If you get the answer right, you get one point; if you're the first person to comment with the correct answer, you get two points.

I'll reveal all the correct answers (and the 14 winners) at the end of the two weeks!

And to keep it fair, everyone only gets one guess (i.e. one answer, written in one comment).

Question 2:

Usually the characters that I create choose their own names, but that wasn't the case in TSW. With that in mind, why did I choose "Celia" as the name of the protagonist?

If you think you know, comment below with your answer! :)

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