Chapter 14:Closer

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The pair took showers at different times and had breakfast together.Afterwards they were ready to go out.

Since it was Jungkook's first time in Paris ,Taehyung volunteered to show him around the parts he was familiar with.The alpha had visited the country a couple of times because of his strong desire for art.

After going around for an hour they stopped at a department store.

"Why are we here?"

"Uhm shopping.Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired.I'm just curious"

Taehyung grinned.He was happy to see Jungkook so comfortable.They had been holding hands for a while without even realizing.

When Jungkook saw the alpha's grin he sensed that something was up.After realizing that their hands were connected he immediately snatched his hand away and glared at the alpha.

"What did I do?"

"Being around you makes me feel weird"

"How so?"

"I can't put it into words"

"But you don't hate being around me do you?"

"What can I do if I'm left with no choice but to entertain you"

"I agree.For now let's get you something to wear tonight?"

"What's tonight?"Jungkook asked as his gaze wondered around the room.

"We are attending an art exhibition.Unless you like to stay alone at the hotel"

"I will come with you"

"Great.So pick whatever you want.I will pay"

"Just as long as there are no strings attached"

"Jungkook,I'm not that kind of guy"

"Good to know"

After two hours Taehyung took Jungkook to lunch on a cruise ship.They were lucky enough to get a table despite not having made a reservation beforehand.

Jungkook didn't know what to order so he just went with whatever Taehyung had ordered for himself.While the omega was eating Taehyung pretended to be fixing the new camera he had bought while in actual fact he was taking pictures of Jungkook.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not really hungry"

"So you just ordered the food so you can stare at it.How resourceful of you"Jungkook said

"I'm taking pictures of the food.It looks glorious with the sea background"Taehyung said behind the camera.

"You have really lost it"

"I have"...the alpha trailed off.

"Would you take me back to the hotel after this?"

"Sure.Anything for you"

"I feel tired"

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look"Taehyung asked out of the blue.

That's when it hit Jungkook.He narrowed his brows at the alpha in suspicion"What are you doing there?"

"I'm taking photos of the sea.It's so beautiful isn't it"

"More than me?"Jungkook asked suddenly and it took the older male by surprised.He swallowed drly and the omega had witnessed first hand the effect he had on the alpha.No one would fake that right?

"If the sea is more beautiful than me then why are you taking my photos instead of the sea"


"You are right about that."

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