Chapter 27:Bliss

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After a while Jungkook walked back into the room with a smile on his lips. His fiance who was laying on the bed wondered what had happened in the bathroom that had gotten him into such a good mood

"So what do you think?"Jungkook asked as he sat besides Taehyung.

"It must have been expensive"

"Oh please it's just a mic set"Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued to scroll through his phone

"Its custom made"

"Yeah so big deal"

"When did you get it done"

"Wait...why are you interrogating me about.Don't you like it'

"I do love it but I'm just worried that you might have gotten it done on a short notice and it must have been expensive"

"In other words you are saying I shouldn't get expensive gifts for you"


"Why?Did I ever complain when you bought me an expensive gift"

"You do.All the time.Even the one that's not expensive.You would make a mountain out of a molehill"

"Do I?"

"Baby come on.Goodness knows I'm not making stuff up"

"I'm being hypocritical aren't I?"

"Jungkook I didn't say that"

"So on this day we should change the rule.We won't complain about gifts.Is that fair enough?"

"Good.Let's do that"

Jungkook's phone rang as he was about to jump into bed with his fiance.His mother wanted to face time.

"Hello mom"

"Get Tae on the phone.I want to see him.His parents and your dad are here with me"

"Mom,you told them?"

"They were already here with me when you texted me with the good news.We were having a double date"

"Tae...we have a situation"Jungkook said as he pulled his fiance in front of the camera

"Congratulations to you two"Mrs Kim yelled.

"Thank you guys"

"So when is the wedding?"

"Mom he just proposed.We haven't got into details yet"

"How about in three months.That's enough time to get everything done.What do you guys say?"

"Sure.If you guys feel it's ok"

"It's sorted then.You guys don't have to worry about anything.We have you guys covered"

"Thank you guys.We really appreciate it"

"We will hang up now"

"Wow"Taehyung said as soon as the omega hung up.The omega immediately understood what he had done wrong.

"I'm sorry"Jungkook whispers as he stared at his fiance

"I guess news flies"

"I just couldn't help it.I did it on impulse.Sorry Tae"

"It's fine though.Now that our parents know we should tell the whole world"

"As in your fans?"

"Yep.I'm holding a mini concert tomorrow so we should reveal it then"

"What?Tae no.Your company doesn't want you dating and you just can't do something like that without them knowing"

"We aren't dating  but engaged.It's not a trivial issue.We cant hide this forever.I got this.You worry too much"

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