Chapter 4

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I woke up in the morning and my clothes were on the other side of the room. I got up because my phone was ringing it was Thomas.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey Ems I won't be home for another week. I have to go out of town for work. Make sure you tell Jace. Bye." Thomas said.
"Ok bye." I said.
I looked over at Jace who was still asleep. I got up with a blanket wrapped around my body and I got my clothes and went to my room. About an hour later Jace got up.
"Hey Jace. Thomas is going to be gone for a week for work!" I hollered through my door.
"Ok!" Jace hollered back.
I heard Jace on the phone with someone.
I walked out into the hall when he was done. He pinned me against the wall and kissed me. He tried to go back for another kiss when I put my finger against his lips.
"Who were you on the phone with?" I asked.
"Nobody." Jace said.
He went in for a kiss again and I moved out of the way.
"Who were you talking to?" I asked again.
"Nobody Emily." Jace said.
"Well until I know your lips won't touch mine." I said.
About an hour later. I had just finished lunch.
"Ok I will tell you if you don't get mad." Jace said.
"Ok" I said.
"I was on the phone with Ally." Jace said.
"Ally? Who's Ally?" I asked.
"My "fiancé". " Jace said using air quotation marks.
"WHAT!" I yelled. "So up you have been cheating on me?" I asked and yelled.
"Emily let me explain." Jace said. He came over and grabbed my waist.
"Don't touch me Jace! Leave me alone!" I said. I threw a glass at him but he missed and it hit the wall. I was crying my eyes out. I ran to my room and locked the door. I started sobbing and throwing stuff. After about 25 minutes I calmed down and unlocked my door. I grabbed a pillow and held it tight against my chest as I lay on the floor up against my bed. Tears running down my cheeks. Jace started knocking.
"Come in" I said quietly.
Jace walked in. I could tell he had been crying too. He sat beside me. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away.
"Please don't touch me." I said.
"Emma just let me explain." Jace said.
"Explain what? That you cheated?" I said.
"Please just hear me out. We aren't really engaged. Our parents got us together. It's really what they want. She is dating a guy to. But now I am going to just warn you. Next week you ,Jason, me, Ally, Colleen(Jason's girlfriend), my parents, and who ever you want to bring as your "date" are going to go out to eat. So I have to sit next to Ally and act lovey dovey with her and maybe even kiss her." Jace said.
"I can't do this." I said
"You can't do what?" Jace asked.
"This. I can't do this. I think we need to break up for a bit." I said.
"Emily please don't do this." Jace pleaded.
"Please just get out." I said.
Jace left my room and I sat there and cried.

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