First Class

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Y/N and Hermione arrived at the great hall for breakfast. As they sat down together Hermione sat right next to Y/N, slightly blushing at their close proximity.

She took a small bowl of oatmeal and giggled at the amount of poached eggs Y/N had stacked on his plate.

"Hungry are we?" Hermione asked with a smirk.

"Oh yeah... starving" Y/N looked down embarrassed. "But to keep my body mass improving I have to keep refueling it, and my morning workouts are pretty taxing."

"Yeah you looked really hot-"

Hermione paused with her eyes wide as she realised what she had said. She watched as Y/N paused momentarily before going back to eating. She sighed in relief and continued:

"a-and sweaty this morning. What do you do?"

"Oh, a two mile run, sit ups, push ups and pull ups"

"Wait you didn't leave the castle did you?" Hermione asked suddenly concerned. Y/N smiled:

"No I had to run up and down staircases and try not to break my neck" Y/N chuckled.

"How did you keep track of distance?"

"Distance tracking charm, I'll teach you sometime".

"Oh thank you" Hermione said, overjoyed at the chance to learn new magic:

"How many push ups and that do you do?"

"Not sure" Y/N answered taking a bite of his eggs.

"What do you mean, you don't keep count?"

"Sort of" he chuckled "let me explain. I start off doing push ups and then when it starts to hurt that's when I start counting to 100. Same with sit ups and pull ups".

"Oh I'm sorry" Hermione said sadly.

"For what?" Y/N asked confused.

"That it hurts"

"Awww. You are seriously too sweet 'Mione" Y/N answered in a of tone genuine appreciation.

He noticed Hermione blush so continued quickly to avoid her feeling awkward.

"Like I said, sweet but it's important that it hurts" he stretched out his arm and ran a
finger along it.

"When it hurts it means all the little muscle fibres in here tear. When they heal that's how muscle grows bigger and harder".

Hermione's analytical mind took over as she reached out and slid a finger along Y/N's bicep.

"It's already pretty hard" she spoke absentmindedly.

"Thanks" Y/N said quietly. Hermione looked up and straight into Y/N's eyes. She noticed his blush first, then realised what she was doing and how close they were. She pulled back quickly as her cheeks flushed, the two sitting there awkwardly for a few moments.

Y/N decided to change the subject quickly before they both died of embarrassment.

"So when's your birthday?"

"Um...pardon?" Hermione asked. She was not expecting to be asked that of all things at that moment.

"Oh right that was random. Sorry" Y/N laughed, causing Hermione to giggle as well. Y/N continued:

"I was just wondering, since we were in Diagon Alley together, thought they must be close together"

"Oh right. September 19th" Hermione smiled.

"Look at that I was right, September 12th" Y/N chuckled.

"Wow one week apart".

"Yeah and still time to get you a present" Y/N smirked his cocky smirk.

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now