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~Yuki~After the dance, I and Haruhi were back to talking to the girls."so, Ladies, how are you doing today?" we asked in unison. The girls swooned and smiled while blushing,

"We are great, Haruhi-chan Yuko-Chan!" the girls said together, as their blush got darker. We smiled at them and they smiled back at us. Haruhi looked at me and i slightly nodded, we each took a hand of the girls and kissed them on the cheek, pulling back to see both of their faces are deep red and they were holding their noses to stop the blood i guess, they really like us, i thought as we smirked at them and smiled a closed eyes smile. As i stood up and walked over to Honey-senpai, to see he was eating cake,

"Honey-Senpai! You're going to get a cavity again!" i warned as he pushed the cake away after i finished those words, chuckling, as i saw all the girls leave the room, time to close already? i thought as i sat on the couch drinking coffee. Takashi joined me and sat next to me, as i set the cup down to talk with Takashi, Tamaki ran up to me and picked me up,

"Ehh!! TAMAKI-SENPAI!! LET ME DOWN!!" i whined as he gave me a death hug.

"I want to see where son Yuko lives!!!" He yells as Takashi pulled me out of his grip. Kyoya corrected him on my name and gender first.

"Tamaki! Her name is Yuki! Not Yuko, you dimwit." Kyoya said to Tamaki, as he set me down and looked at me, Takashi patted my head and walked off to pick Honey up off the couch. As i wrote down my address for Tamaki to visit with the rest of the Host Club, I picked up my things and left the room leaving Tamaki with the address.

~Time skip to Saturday Morning~"SWEETIE!! You have some explaining to d-....What are you doing?" she started yelling then questioned me while i put on make-up, even she couldn't make me put that on, yet, i was doing in willingly.

"Are my friends here yet, mom?" i questioned as she helped me with my make-up.

"yes they are, they're in the living room, Darling," She said as she finished my light makeup and left to make tea for everyone. As i shut my door and went to the next room, the living room, I saw my friends talking to themselves, Takashi talked to me while Honey sat on my lap with Usaa-Chan on his. Only then did everyone notice me, they looked at me and Tamaki hugged me, almost making Honey fall off my lap, if it weren't for Takashi being so quick, then he would have fallen. As i stood there in his death hug as he cried of his Daughter growing up so fast, i deadpanned. My mother then decides to show up and smack him on his head.

"Mom....You don't have to do that.....He was just hugging me......." i said as i smiled at my mom, you know what i got, a WACK TO THE HEAD WITH A SPOON!!.....Whatever, i thought as i scowled and rubbed my head,

"Don't ever say it was just a 'hug', you never 'hug' unless you're dating them!" she concluded as my eye twitched, making me sigh and shake my head lightly at her, also making me facepalm. Haruhi did the same thing as me, and she's not ever her mom....That's just sad, mom....I thought as i sat down on the couch, Usaa-Chan then flew past me and i caught him in my hands, I gave a questioning look to everyone in the room. My mom tried to scoot out of the room before getting caught by me, i glared at her as she chuckled nervously and looked at her wrist as if there were a watch on it,

"Oh! look at the time!" She said as she ran away from me, I glared at her through my glasses, making sure she was gone before turning around, crouching down to Honey, i gave him his bunny back,

"who's up for a game?" i said to everyone, they all looked up and smiled at me while standing up from their seats. We went outside to my backyard, and i had a basketball hoop, As i went to my room to find my basketball. Once i found it i ran back outside to everyone and saw them talking, laughing, chuckling, smiling. I tossed the ball to Takashi and he caught it While i was inside i changed into sports clothes. I ran my fingers through my short hair and we started to play, after a while Honey got tired and wanted to sit out, with Usaa-Chan, so he sat on the bench, A while after that my older brother came out.

"SIS!! Have you seen my Basketball shorts?!" He questioned, i looked down, hehe! Yes, i have.

"YEA!" i called back, he came out and saw me wearing them playing with my friends,

"Not my fault they fit me!" i yelled as he chased me around the backyard.

"GIVE THEM BACK, YOU BAKA!!" He yelled as i got cornered me...I thought of a way out, i looked down, sliding under his legs and running to Takashi, he picked me up and set me on his shoulders, i rested my head on his, lightly panting. My brother cursed under his breath, telling me to introduced my friends to him, Takashi put me down on the ground,

"This is Tamaki, Takashi, Honey, Hikaru, Kaoru, Kyoya and Haruhi!" i said in order pointing to each one of them."and everyone, this is my older brother, Tama!" They all said their hellos

"So! Sis, have you practiced your gymnastics routine yet?" He asked as i froze, slowly nodding my head, he passed my earbuds and IPod, I glared at him, he smirked. I plug the earbuds in, putting them in my ears, I played the song 'Counting Stars' by OneRepublic the band, As i got ready, my brother put the jumping mat out for me to jump on. As i cartwheeled onto in jumping off my hands hanging onto the pole, i slid up it, turning my body so, i was on the other side. I jumped off it to the wall continuing up the pole from pole to wall, and repeat, till i was on top of the backboard, jumping onto the hoop. I jumped off into a handstand on the mat, pushing off that landing on my feet just off the mat. I breathed in and out two times then walked to my brother, smacking him in the back of the head for doubting me in the first place. Takashi patted my head, Tamaki hugged me, Hikaru and Koaru highfived me, Haruhi highfived me and Honey hugged my legs.


This is so fucking cringey I hate it.

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