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Mew wake up from his deep sleep when he heard the bathroom door open and Gulf went out. He look so tired and worn out. He is holding a towel wiping his hair.

''Are you okay Tua eng?''

Gulf look at him in a sleepy eyes.

''Oh..Did I wake you up?'' Gulf asked while he seated on the edge of the bed still wiping his hair.
''I just heard the door open. I thought you're not gonna sleep here so I did not wait for you.'' Mew said while he get up and sit on the bed.

''I can't sleep without you..''
Gulf answered in a low tune. Mew formed a smile on his lips and proceed toward him and hug Gulf in the back. Mew rested his chin on Gulf's shoulder smelling his after shower scent.

''You look so worn out. Come here..so you can rest.''

Mew pulled up and get back on the bed and Gulf followed. Gulf sleep on Mew's arm and buried his face on Mew's neck.

''Do you have any schedule tomorrow Tua eng?''
He asked Gulf but he just heard a soft snore. Mew smiled and planted a kiss on his head.

''Goodnight Tua eng. I love you so much.''  He whispered on Gulf's ears.
And before he reach the dreamland he heard Gulf saying ''I love you too.''

Its already 6am when Mew woke up and he just planted a kiss on Gulf's cheeks and arrange the cover on his body before he get out of bed slowly trying not to wake him up.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and went directly to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Gulf. And after he finished preparing he went to take a shower and check Gulf's schedule on the calendar. Gulf doesn't have any schedule today so he just let him sleep.

He kiss him goodbye before he went out to his Studio.

Its already 11am when Mew decided to call Gulf but its just ringing he did not pick up. He was so busy earlier that he forgot to call his boyfriend.

He call him for the 5th times when Gulf finally answered,.

''Hello'' Gulf answered in a hoarse and crack voice.
''Tua eng are you okay? Why your voice like that?'' Mew asked worried.
''My head hurt and I think I have a fever..'' Gulf answered.

''Ohh..okay,okay. Wait for me. I'll go home now..What do you want to eat? I'll bring it?'' Mew asked and he stood up and close his laptop and put it on his bag.

''Anything Phi..''
''Okay . Just stay in bed. I'll be there.''
Mew put all his stuff inside his bag and went outside.

''Cancel all my appointments for 3 days. Gulf is sick. I'll go home now.''
Mew instructed to his secretary. He did not wait for an answer and proceeded to leave.

Mew hurried to go back to their condo and he just decided to call their favourite resto to order food.

He went inside their unit and just put his bag in the living room and procede to their bedroom. He saw Gulf laying on the bed covered with blanket sleeping.

He check Gulf's temperature and he was burning so he stood up and get a bowl of water and a towel to wipe his body.
After a minute the food arrive.

''Tua eng,get up first so you can eat and take your medicine.''
Mew help Gulf sit on the bed and feed him.

''Can you please stay here Phi?..'' Gulf said after he finished taking his medicine. Mew smiled on how cute his Tua eng is.
He pinched Gulf's red cheeks and smiled.

''Yes wifey..I'll stay here I'm not going anywhere.''
Gulf pout.
''You will not go to work? You don't have schedule today?''
''Nope,I can work on some paper works and I cancelled all my appointments for the next three days so I can stay here with you. Happy?''
Mew asked smiling. Gulf look at him with a satisfaction on his face.

''Yes very happy''
''Okay just stay on the bed I'll just wash this'' Gulf nodded and Mew gather all the dishes and went to the kitchen.

They just spend their whole day in the condo and Gulf being clingy is Mew's happiness.
He was sitting on the carpeted floor with his laptop on his laps working when he heard Gulf's voice calling him from their bedroom.

''P'Mewww...where are you?''
Gulf called him. Mew smiled while he just shake his head and get up.

''I'm here Tua eng..why? What is it?'' Mew asked when he entered their bedroom.

''I need a cuddle P'Mew...'' Gulf pouted while he sit on the bed covered with blanket. Mew smiled while he get in bed shaking his head.  He let out a sighed and open his arms to welcome his clingy wife on his arms.

Gulf happily melt on his P'mew's chest.
''You know that everytime you do this I always fell in love with you?'' Mew said that makes Gulf smiled. He looked up to him and Mew gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Mew stayed on the bed until Gulf fell asleep.

Mew was preparing their dinner when Gulf walk in and just hug him on the back.
''Is my wife hungry?'' Mew asked just continue preparing the food.

Gulf just hug him. Mew turn around and Gulf buried his face on his neck.
''What's the problem Tua eng?''
Mew asked rubbing his back.

Gulf pull out and put his arms around Mew's waist and just look at him.
''I wish I always get sick so I can spend days with you.''
Gulf said in a serious voice. Mew smiled and planted him a kiss on his lips.

''Me too but we have work. Don't worry we will go on vacation. Let's just finished our schedules together and we will spend time together okay?''

''Promise Tua eng.''
Mew said and Gulf just nodded and hug him again.

''Okay let me go first so I can finish this so we can eat.'' Gulf let him go and go just settle himself on the chair waiting for the food.

Mew was sitting in the chair infront of his laptop when Gulf appear on the bedroom door covered with blanket. He walk infront of Mew and suddenly sit on his lap facing him.

''What happened Tua eng?''
''Nothing I just missed you''

Gulf answered while he buried his face on the crook of Mew's neck. Mew smiled and just let Gulf sit while he was typing on his laptop.

''I love you Phi..'' Gulf said that makes Mew smiled widely.
''And I love you more. Hmm..what do you want for our anniversarry Tua eng?''
Mew asked and Gulf look at him.

''I just want to be with you.'' Gulf answered.
''But we are already together..''
Mew answered smiling.

''I want this..'' And before Mew can move Gulf pressed their lips together.

Mew get shock that it took a minutes before he finally responds to that kiss. He don't care if he catch a germs from Gulf anymore. He just want to enjoy this side of Gulf...A cute and clingy side that he won't trade to anyone.

...the End...

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