March 1858.

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a visitor you never expected; a day you will never forget.

For the entire week leading up to March 9th, as it has been for the past eight years, the palace lights up with an anticipatory hum, a buzz of excitement

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For the entire week leading up to March 9th, as it has been for the past eight years, the palace lights up with an anticipatory hum, a buzz of excitement. Queen Jeonghui is in especially high spirits as she oversees the thorough cleaning of the grand hall and the preparation of the customary celebratory dishes, made with lavish ingredients especially imported from foreign traders. For the eunuchs, the guards, and all the palace occupants, it's a relief to see the queen so pleased after what had happened a few months prior. Even as she cradles her left arm, hidden by a swath of silk, the smile never leaves her lips as she thinks of the prince and his impending, official tenth birthday.

You don't pay much attention to the festivities. Or to be more accurate, you don't have time to. As much as you'd like to pretend, the decorations aren't for you. Anyhow, your mother has been overwhelmed with work lately as one of the few uinyeo in the palace, and as the head of them all. You are but a fledging apprentice, still learning how to diagnose and properly treat the illnesses that so easily strike the ladies of the court. If only the male physicians could ease your mother's burden. But social convention must be followed. Even tonight, on Prince Yoongi's official birthday, she cannot join the feast even though she has been invited personally by the queen.

"Mom, Da-ri-nim's cramping has gone down," you report happily, steps a little lighter as you walk over to where mother is hunched over an assortment of herbs. She's crushing ingredients together with a mortar and pestle.

"Oh? That's wonderful." Mother brushes away a few strands of hair from her face. "She should be stable for the rest of the night, but we should keep an eye on her."

"To make sure she doesn't bleed too much?"

She smiles. "That's exactly right."

"Is the new medicine done yet?"

"Almost there."

You lean against the desk, watching how the small pot of water simmers above the fire. "I reeaally hope this one works."

"Me too. The extra amount of mugwort should be effective. Do you remember its effects?"

"Hmm. Most useful for thinning blood, increasing circulation, and..." You look hopefully at her. "Relieving muscle pain?"

Much to your relief, she nods, pride swelling in her chest. "Smart girl."

The music outside does a crescendo then, notes floating through the cracks of the doors with sounds of laughter. The drums pound out a practiced beat, seeming to shake the ground itself with revelry. You've seen the dancers practicing out in the courtyard a few days earlier, and you can only imagine how lovely they must look now, all dressed up in handcrafted skirts and gauzy scarves. You wish you could see it! You've always loved to dance. Used to try on mom's only fancy pink hanbok even though it was much too big for you, then spin round and round and round in front of the mirror to watch the skirt float. She'd scolded you harshly after: how could you possibly dirty or ruin a present from the king himself?! The first gift she had ever earned for her essential help with delivering the precious crown prince. But there are always more dances and performances. This is more important, and that's okay too.

"We'll go next year." Mother says as if she can read your mind (or maybe you're just bad at hiding your disappointment). "I promise."

Before you can respond, the door slides open.


"What's wrong?"

One of the newer eunuchs stands in the frame, his face pale. "A dancer has collapsed! We didn't want to move and bring her here, so please come with me!" He bows quickly, fingers twisted in the long folds of his sleeves.

"Understood." Mother reaches aside for the parcel she keeps for emergencies. "Let it boil. Take care of the patients. We're still going to celebrate after I get back, okay?" she says to you, then disappears with the eunuch.

You do as you're told, checking on the women who lie on the beds. You replace the damp cloths on their foreheads that have become lukewarm with sweat, and help those who can up, so they can have some water. Many of them are recovering well from the ruthless winter sickness that swept through a whole group of maids; their fevers are mostly subsiding and coughs calming. Still, anything could happen.

When another noise comes from outside, you turn your head. Standing, you put one hand on the door handle and pull.

"Mom, did you forget—"

Your mouth drops slightly as you meet a dark gaze, one at your eye level and marred with a thin scar.

"W-Wangseja-jeonha!" You immediately drop into a bow, ninety degrees, with your back as straight as you can make it. You hold it for five long seconds. He's still staring at you when you come up again. "M-May I ask why you are paying a visit here...?"

"I made Eunuch Kim sneak me away." Despite his age, he sounds composed and mature, befitting a future king. He gestures casually beside him to where an exceedingly tall man stands, holding something covered with cloth. "Tray."

Eunuch Kim steps forward, his cheek slightly indented from his polite smile as he takes away the covering to reveal a bowl, with silver utensils lying aside it. Steam rises immediately, transparent as it curls into the air alongside a comforting smell.

"This is..."

"Janchi guksu." Celebratory noodles, which must have been brought directly from the feast. Undoubtedly prepared with the highest quality ingredients, and delicious. "It's your birthday too, isn't it?"

That was probably one of the last things you thought he'd say. Your heart squeezes; it's a sort of weird, nervous glee at being unexpectedly seen. "T-That is—Yes! Oh, yes, it, it is!"

While you always thought it was fascinating coincidence to share the same birth date, you'd also long resigned to be overlooked by most in favor of him. Mother always brings you a new hairpin from town, and makes you savory seaweed soup in your own private celebration, and that's enough. But now, to have the crown prince himself here! You haven't seen him since that November night, and never this up close.

While his face remains impassive, it seems to soften at your smile. "Good. Then take this."

You accept the tray that Eunuch Kim offers with grateful hands. You stare into the bowl with your heart pounding. "Can I ask... how did you know, seja-jeonha?"

"Mama told me."

Your grin grows wider. Next to your mother, the queen has always been a role model of the kind of woman you'd like to be. Kind, beautiful, and endlessly caring. Even that night, she had put her son before herself. It seems the prince has learned compassion from the very best.

"I don't know how to thank you. You didn't have to trouble yourself, coming all this way."

"Seja-jeonha. We only have a minute left," the eunuch reminds in a soft voice.

The prince nods his acknowledgment. You expect him to walk away immediately, but he stays. "A king must protect and take care of his people. And... it's a thank you. For that night." He shifts his weight from one foot to another, almost nervous. "Eat well." Only then does he stalk off with a swish of his opulent navy robes.

You stand there for a minute longer, watching him with admiration in your heart until your grumbling stomach makes you turn in.

Tonight, as the delicate noodles and light soup warm your body from the inside out, you make a promise to yourself. As you renew your fealty to the royal family, you add a new caveat, a second, private oath: unabridged loyalty to the crown prince, to the future king, to Min Yoongi himself.

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