March 9, 1872.

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may you trust in the strength of your own heart. may your trials end in fullest bloom.

Tonight, the quiet, constant moon is the sole witness to your eager steps as you and the king of Joseon hurry down the corridor towards your chambers, your faces alight with mischievous grins

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Tonight, the quiet, constant moon is the sole witness to your eager steps as you and the king of Joseon hurry down the corridor towards your chambers, your faces alight with mischievous grins. The sleeves of your favorite hanbok billow in the balmy wind of a coming spring, the pink fabric edges worn soft with time. In Yoongi's arms, he cradles a tray, trying his best not to spill the contents of the covered bowls it supports.

"Made it!" You come to a gradual stop in front of a familiar door. Turning to Yoongi, your smile grows as you inhale a deep breath of relief. "I can't believe we actually managed it. We snuck away! And with the janchi guksu intact." You unlock the door, pulling it open into darkness.

"We had to. It's our tradition," Yoongi says as he follows you inside, a corner of his lips quirking up with his easy smile.

As you get to lighting the smothered lamps, he sets the tray down on the first table he sees. Then, as the first glow of flames burns to life—he is behind you, his lips nudging warm, lingering kisses against the nape of your neck as his strong arms draw you against his chest.

"Happy birthday," he murmurs, voice low and intimate. He pulls you in, wanting closer. "The ceremony was lavish and incredible, but... I would much rather be here."


You lean into him, relaxing your body to let him support you.

He was right. The celebration had been vibrant. The seemingly endless plates of delicious food, the long-sleeved dancers moving in perfect synchronization to music played by the country's best musicians. While you couldn't sit with Yoongi and Seong-min on their designated platform, they'd arranged for you to have the best seat on the ground floor. There, you'd a clear view of the entertainment, and of Yoongi himself. You definitely didn't miss the many, many glances he sent your way. Looks so full of affection they made you flush, filling you with the longing to call out to him. Eventually, when Eunuch Kim came to summon you away... you were more than happy to go.

"Did you see how jungjeon-mama kept asking for Guard Jung to bring her fruit?" You ask, recalling the surprised, but pleased look on the soldier's face.

Yoongi laughs. "Yes, it looks like Hoseok has caught her attention. He'll have much to busy himself with soon, I think."

"Good. They both deserve some joy."

"Especially after she forced all of Father's concubines to move again." Yoongi smirks. "I should give her all the gold in the treasury for doing such a service."

You share a knowing look, remembering the deep satisfaction you both had as you watched the prideful women march through the palace grounds, their cheeks pinked with embarrassment. Every single onlooker there had been keenly aware that the consorts were being relegated to a much farther, smaller hall. That'd been a wonderful day.

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