Bonus: Ask My Muse

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a/n: a collection of my favorite questions from the game of "ask my muse" I played earlier this year on tumblr!

ask: omg hi mlt oc!! i double dare u to call ur man by his real name🤪 -🌿

"U-Um!" You straighten your back immediately, staring with big eyes at your lover.

A look of amusement comes over the king's face as he crosses his legs and says nothing. Simply stares with a raised eyebrow, which seems to say go ahead, if you can.

"Y-Y-Y... Um..." You squeeze your eyes shut, as if not seeing him might make it easier, but the word feels stuck on your tongue. "Ahhhh, I'm sorry, I truly cannot!"

He shrugs. "I expected as much. And I don't mind, anyway. Not when I have so many excellent memories of her calling me jeonha." He only smirks harder when you fluster at his implication.

ask: Ask my Muse MLT Oc. What would you do if you became pregnant in those early days when jeonha wasn't... you know?

"I don't know." You worry the seam of your jeogori sleeve with ansty fingers. "I... I might have left. If that is what I felt would be best for the child. Left, and never told them who their father really was as I raised them quietly and safely. But at the same time, I would've to believe in jeonha. In the person I was certain he really was." You press your lips together. "Either way, I would've kept the child. Such innocence needs to be treasured."

ask: Ask My Muse MLT Yoongi / I've waited so long to ask this / What would you do if Oc became pregnant in the days before ur relationship was settled?

"Whatever she wanted." Yoongi looks to the side, taking your hand in his. He squeezes you softly. "Even if I wanted to keep the child... I couldn't subject her to so much suffering within the palace walls on my own whims. Perhaps I would've asked her to stay... Since the pain of losing her and our child would be...." he trails off, unable to even form the words as he wrinkles his forehead, shutting his eyes for a brief moment as sharp pain tears through his heart. "I would not forcibly keep her in my life if she wanted to go. I would have made for a poor father back then. I didn't deserve for her to stay."

ask: so what does mlt!oc have to say about king min yoongis hands 👀 can you ask her for me please this is for research purposes

"They're, um, complicated... Beautiful though. When he's focusing on something or when he's eating, they're delicate as he picks things up, with a lightness to his movements. Sometimes he loses himself in his thoughts and that crooked pinky curls against his cheek. But when those hands are on me-- no matter how warm they are, how smoothly they glide down my skin, they... they're rough. Painful, in more ways than one. But those hands can soothe the hurt too, even if they only bring it right back again. Still I--" You bite your lip. "I need it more than I can explain."

ask: Mlt oc - did you ever feel like you were reaching your breaking point in the olden days where Yoongi wasn't so...approachable? Did you ever feel like 'this is it, I don't know how much I can take'? I'm aware you would never go through with it but there must've been some days where you came close right? -🦒

Your smile after hearing the question is half wistful, half tight and painful. "All the time. I thought I would break all the time. 'Why am I feeling these things? Am I meant to hurt like this? Can I just run away?' These are questions I asked myself again and again. But when I thought of him... I couldn't bring myself to leave. I don't like think about those days, but... I would say perhaps Beom-su brought me the closest. The way they seemed to suit each other and fit together... How everyone celebrated their union, while he wouldn't even speak to me..." You chuckle, but it's a self-depricating sound. "I had to keep reminding myself that feeling pain meant I was still alive. And as long as I was alive... Anything could happen."

ask: Ask my Muse to MLT jeonha / Were you aware of yourself when you called Oc whore? What did you mean by those words? Did you regret it that night?

"I can't say I wasn't aware of my actions. Yet... I can't say my words reflected the truth either." Yoongi bows his head. It's a strange sight--the king of the entire country willing to lower himself in this manner. Guilt truly knows no bounds. "I was trying so desperately to convince myself that our relationship was only physical. That way, neither of us would become too attached." He chuckles, weakly. "A stupid plan, isn't it? But I couldn't... I had to be with her. If only for a night."

Yoongi turns his face away now, as if he wants to hide his face. "I regretted it the moment I saw her tears. But I couldn't admit it then. Not even to myself."

ask: Mlt yoongi, when was the first time you realize you had catch feelings for our sweet oc?? 👀

"The first time?" Yoongi falls quiet, thinking. Several long moments pass before he says, "I don't know. Was there ever a real event? Nothing in particular stands out in my mind. It was more as if these feelings had been there all along. From the very first few times we met until now." He touches a few fingers to his chin. "Do any of us remember the first time we saw the sun? Or are we endlessly, ceaselessly amazed by its power and its warmth?"

ask: I was wondering mLt yoongi and oc, what are you sleeping arrangements? Still sleeping apart?

Both you and Yoongi sport looks of confusion at the question. "Is there any other arrangement possible?" He asks.

"It would be highly improper otherwise," you add, though you give him a sideways glance that speaks to certain incidents that might have occured.

"However, if the occasional night occurs when we are both exhausted from the day's duties..."

"...Eunuch Kim knows to look the other way," you finish with a slight heat in your cheeks.

(historical note: it's actually not historically accurate for the king and queen to sleep in the same chambers in that time period! not a reflection on the strength of their relationship :) which is why its so important when he asks her to remain with him in that one chapter!!)

ask: MLT!hoseok, what are your thoughts on jungjeon-mama?? 👀😏

"She is, ah..." Royal Guard Jung hurriedly looks around to see whether there are any of the court advisors or palace women in the vicinity. Though he sees none, he lowers his voice when he mumbles, "... beautiful. And powerful. I can't help but... admire her. Yes. That is all it is. Really."

ask: amm mlt jimin, fish jeon or nokdujeon? 😙

"... Nokdujung," Scholar Park admits with a tiny blush creeping across his cheeks that soon becomes a full flush. "As much as I like the seafood... It has to be nokdujung..."

"With how much you've eaten in the past few months, I am rather surprised you haven't turned into a nokdujung yourself!" You say, laughing.

ask: Mlt king -did you see oc on the wedding day?

"She was breathtaking. I saw her from aways away, but I couldn't allow myself to take a closer look when the procession drew forward. I was... afraid." He shakes his head. "So afraid that if I saw the expression on her face, I wouldn't be able to go through with the ceremony. Even now, I'm certain I would have leapt off the palanquin and taken her into my arms if we had locked eyes."

and finally, to round us off...

ask: Say mlt yoongi, did you order the pavilion to be renovated because of our oc? 👀

"Of course." Yoongi turns his head, looking out of the window at the structure in the middle of the lake. "Everything... All of this has always been for her."

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