A Familiar Face

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The pair of first years were running through the hallways of Hogwarts, but Hermione quickly got out of breath and struggled to keep up.

"Could...we...slow down Y/N" she asked out of breathe.

Y/N stopped almost instantly, looking over at Hermione concerned.

"Oh I'm so sorry Hermione, I should have thought".

"No, that's ok" she replied with a smile, still trying to catch her breath.

"I have a better idea, if you're willing" Y/N smiled and offered her his back:

"Piggy back ride?"

Hermione giggled. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, you can trust me not to drop you" Y/N chuckled.

"Of course I trust you Y/N" Hermione said as she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and her legs tightly around his hips. She felt herself blushing.

Thank god he can't see me, she thought to herself.

"It's gonna be fast, hold on tight" Y/N smirked.

Hermione gripped around Y/N's neck even tighter than before as he took off, running even quicker than the pair had done previously.

Hermione smiled as she rested her head on Y/N's back, thinking to herself "he's so strong".


The pair arrived at the History of Magic classroom and Y/N lowered himself to allow Hermione to jump down.

"We're here" he said with a smile..

Hermione begrudgingly let go of Y/N's neck and stood up straight.

"Thanks that was fun" she said with a blush.

"Anytime, just say the word and I'm happy to be your personal taxi" Y/N said with a cocky smirk.

They entered the classroom to find a young Asian man with glasses smiling at them.

"Congrats Row" Y/N said as he walked up and... hugged the young man. Hermione was certainly surprised.

The young Professor hugged Y/N back before he released and spoke nervously:

"Actually Y/N I have to insist on...."

"Professor Khanna, I know" Y/N smiled as it was returned by the Professor.

"I'm so proud of you Professor" Y/N spoke with sincerity.

"Thanks... who's the young lady?"

Y/N turned back to Hermione, embarrassed he was so wrapped up in the moment he forgot to introduce her.

"Oh Hermione I'm so sorry. This is Professor Rowan Khanna, also Dean's best friend. Professor Khanna this is my dear friend Hermione Granger"

Rowan smiled as he shook her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms.Granger. Dean has mentioned you".

"Really" Y/N and Hermione asked in unison before Y/N added: "People keep saying that".

"Pleasure to meet you too Professor" Hermione replied.

"Please take your seats guys, we will start as soon as everyone gets here".

Y/N and Hermione sit next to each other in the front row again before Hermione turned to Y/N.

"It must be nice to have a familiar face here"

Y/N smiled.

"Yeah Professor Khanna has always been like a big brother to me. It's great to see him. He's also really really passionate about the History of Magic."

"That's so good to hear" Hermione smiled again.

The rest of class slowly arrived and all were instantly enraptured by Rowans infectious enthusiasm.

He explained the curriculum and what they will be studying for the year.

"So today class we will start with the Battle of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartan auric warriors stood bravely against 10,000 Persian dark mages".

"Pardon?" Hermione asked louder than she meant to.

"Sorry sir" she added quickly in embarrassment as Y/N rubbed her back. She instantly felt better.

"Perfectly acceptable Ms Granger" Rowan smiled warmly. "Am I correct to assume you are Muggle born?"

She nodded

"Yes Muggles record the tale differently to wizards, but we will study the true history of what happened. We're also fortunate enough to have one of their direct descendants in this very room".

"Really?" Seamus called from the back. "Who?"

"Young Mr L/N here" Rowan replied with a smile directed at Y/N.

"The Sacred and Ancient House of L/N can trace a line of descent directly to brave King Leonidas, who fought and died that day. He sacrificed himself not only for the freedom of Sparta but for the whole wizarding world."

The class looked at Y/N stunned. Y/N remained stoically unmoved.

"That explains a lot" Hermione smirked as she looked at Y/N.

"Really?" Y/N asked shocked as the Professor nodded at him smiling. "Huh had no clue"

Rowan looked at his student with surprise:

"I thought you would have been aware of your family history Y/N".

"No not really, never placed much emphasis on blood lines" Y/N replied nonchalantly.

Hermione smiled at her friend before a scoffing could be heard from the back of the room. Hermione turned to see it originate from a blonde haired Slytherin who strangely resembled a weasel. Y/N replied without turning round:

"Wanna think twice about that Malfuck?"

Y/N's tone was cold and menacing. Draco's head shot down instantly as the class gasped and Hermione gently tapped Y/N's arm:


"Sorry 'Mione" Y/N replied with his cocky smirk, causing her to giggle and roll her eyes.

"I must agree with Ms Granger" Rowan added after clearing his throat. "I'll let you off with a warning this time but any other outbursts will result in a removal of House Points Y/N".

"I sincerely apologise Professor" Y/N smiled at his friend who nodded before resuming his lesson.

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