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Koo🙄: Tae stop ignoring me please.

My love 💜: I'm not.

Koo🙄: You are I haven't been over in like 4 days.

My love 💜: Don't you have a job🤨.

Koo🙄: Taehyung stop fucking with me.

My love 💜: Umm I'm not.

Koo🙄: You are and you need to stop being childish.

My love 💜: I'm not.

Koo🙄: First stop saying I'm not it's pissing me off.

Koo🙄: Second I'm coming over because I need to see you and you're being difficult.

Koo🙄: And third what do you want from  McDonalds.

My love 💜: You can't just come to people's house uninvited tf.

Koo🙄: I can and I will.

My love 💜: But I'm busy.

Koo🙄: I'm not so I'm coming.

My love 💜: Ugh fine 🙄.

Koo🙄: So you don't want nun from McDonalds?

My love 💜:  No.

Koo🙄: You sure?

My love 💜: Yes.

Koo🙄:  Ok imma still you get you nuggets with your stubborn ass.


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