THIRTY + special!!

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Congratulations on reaching Chapter thirty!! The Infinity team is very glad that you have spent your precious time to read this, and we have never been so thankful •:)

Guess humans are not so bad after all...

Here's an illustration I made of Nairobi, there's a plain linear version but for this chapter I wish to show the coloured version instead. I must apologize if my art is bad LMAOO, But overall please enjoy it.

{ Fact : Nairobi is one of my favorite characters. I designed her out of a whim as I was thinking of cigarettes. She also has a 'crown' scar on her face that ends below her jaw! }

Chapter 30 // Domain of the Past
[EIGHT/NAIROBI] — Hidden Tunnel

Recap: Infinity had broken the sense of stability the World has yet to see, by creating a chain of phantom murders with no leads. However, the last we've seen of her was when she had destroyed the whole Sawashiki Residence in search of a Hidden Underground Tunnel with two more individuals in tow.

Somewhere in the deep tunnels recently refurbished, lay 3 individuals currently at a comfort resting point. One laid asleep, otherwise from the repeated groans of pain while another kept watch.

Another one sprung awake. Through the thick drapes of hair covering her face, Nairobi found herself surrounded by a strange pair of people. One was a teenage girl. She had fluffy hazelnut hair and her grey dress was tattered. Her face was also covered by white rag. Through the cloth, she could make out several unintelligible grunts. Another was a child, pure white hair matching her porcelain like skin. She could have assumed it was a corpse if it weren't for the eye that peeked open. A white orb peered right at her, blinking carefully before the child shifted in her seated position.

"How do you feel?" The soft voice muffled the onslaught of questions Nairobi had. She was a lot smaller in stature as she stood  up and shuffled near her.

Nairobi heaved a palm towards her, a low snarl as she assessed the white girl's intentions. She didn't seem to have evil intentions, she understood that when the girl exposed her empty hands.

No malice.

"Listen here kid, I am not interested. Go get your leader here and we will have a safe agreement." Nairobi snapped, hissing as she felt something tear in her body. An injury? How did she get it?

Most of all... she thought as she gave her surroundings a good look... how the hell did I get here? The light reflecting from the oil lamp bounced off a concave surface. Rusting dark tubes planted the top, screwed shut with huge bolts that would hurt if they were to drop on one's boy. They must be heavy ones without a doubt, and the rest of its body lingered into the dark abyss, inter-connecting with the rest on the way.

The floor was warm, much to her surprise. She thought caves were supposed to be cold. There were also a lack of mosses growing on the floor, meaning there's a possibility this place is recent or has been taken care of by someone. That someone... she turned to watch the white girl who was watching her the whole time... she's too small, she wouldn't be able to do this on her own.

"Go get your leader, kid."

The little girl sighed, and outright ignored her demands. Instead she chose to approach the writhing figure situated next to her. She wrapped her hands in some left-over cloth before gently rubbing the sides of the figure. Nairobi's eyes snapped at the noises the covered figure was making, whatever the girl was going through it must be painful. It was also the same thing that must have woke her up.

"There there Maria, focus on it. Just like I told you." The child hushed out. She had her way with speaking that it immediately put Nairobi in ease. "Focus on the spark, take deep breaths and don't lose count of yourself."

Once the figure had calmed down, the child heaved a sigh of relief and turned to Nairobi. "Im sure you have questions to ask. But before that, you should eat. The soup will get cold."

There was a small pot placed next to her, a wooden spoon placed ontop of its cover. As soon as the lid was opened, the woman ate like a person starved for a decade. She had gulped down the contents  of the food, carrots, diced up chicken and the salty broth that made it everything go so well together. She even asked for a second soup which the child gladly gave hers, saying how she was full from earlier so she didn't mind.

"Your name is Nairobi is it?"

The carrot hung from her lips as she gaped at the child.

How did she know?

"Do you remember how you got here?"

Nairobi shook her head.

"As predicted," The child sighed. The first part of the plan is working. She could see how the previously antagonized hunched woman had now melted into a much better woman. She was sitting cross legged, hair tossed to her back and is aggressively devouring the soup like no tomorrow. "How do you feel?"

"Better." She responded. She let the bowl clatter to the floor. This made the child's brows furrow, a human with no sense of etiquette. "Are you the leader here?"

"If that's what you call me, then that's what I am."

"Great. I want an out from here. Just because you saved me does not mean I owe you anything." Nairobi moved to grasp the hilt of the small blades she kept on her back. A surprising emptiness made her gasp. Flickering gaze locked on to the spot the child is patting at, she could feel the anger boil under her skin.

There in a small pile was her belongings. Her white shirt had been thoroughly cleaned and folded. Her weapon were neatly piled on top of each other.

"I found you in a catatonic state. I've detected several signs of poisoning around your leg but all that has been cured. If you start walking now, it will place a great strain on your healing injury."

"I do not care!" she exclaimed, taking back her tools and smiling with glee at the familiar weight it provided. "I am leaving, and that is final."

"You don't wish to know your truth?"
"Little kid what kind of club thing are you in to sputter such religion nonsense!" Nairobi cried out, pointing her index to the kid's temple.

Pain began to erupt from where her skin had ceased contact. A loud scream left her lips as bright light surrounded her body. The light was heavy, it held her down. It caused her knees to buckle as they met the floor but it was as if that one second had stretched into an infinity amount. Through the closed lids of her eyes, she could make out an image of someone.

"Leader...." She trailed off, wanting to grasp the calloused hand reaching out to her but the image of hers dispersed into pixels. She frowned, the image soon transformed into a darker colour. She was able to see the curls of her leaders, but they were weaved with red. They dripped maliciously from her head, and soon spread rapidly along her chest.
'Leave me here.'

Confused, she began to scream at what was holding her back. A white glove was now gripping onto her shoulder. Agony wrapped in each turn of her muscles as she turned to look at her assailant. With eyes gripping fresh terror, she let out a scream as thin blade of the rapier were mere inches away from the point in between her face.

Kill. Murder. Death. Blood


The image of the rapier dispersed, only to show a completely different place.


She coughed wildly as smoke entered her lungs. The gas was a dark shade of grey, almost black as the pillars of flame shot out. Nairobi remembered this place. She remembered this as the day they found freedom. With walls completely built of wooden planks, she was now placed in an area where a woman wielding a sword was seen. The woman, her black hair obscured her features. But based on the way the bodies were littered around her, she is, without a doubt a dangerous threat.

Her body was carved out like the gods. The black clothing she wore was ripped, the exposed tears showing little cuts she had gotten. Her form was ultimately laced with ripping muscles, body heaving as she tried to gather what much oxygen left. With the sword held up high, she charged right at Nairobi.

The girl stepped back. She remembered this woman. Her strength was unbelievable. She held the true spirit of a warrior as she landed her first strike on Nairobi. If her reflexes had not been refined, her whole head would be on the floor by now. What she garnered was a scar on her face.

As the sword sliced her cheek, that was the last straw for her as she felt herself leave such hellish madness. Snapping back to reality, her bleary eyes tried to make sense of what she was seeing.

She gave herself a few seconds to catch her breath, deep inhales that gave her time to really process what she had seen. "Im back! Im back in this stinky hole again!" Never had she felt so proud to be in a sewer rat hole ever.

The child glanced at her, taking note that Nairobi was feeling deep anger and stress at something. She was confused too as what she had seen might have disappeared. It will take awhile for her to remember. Although the child was able to see a glimpse of Nairobi's past life, it was too stressful. The contact was enough for her to feel tired. Her nose dripped with blood. That was close. I've seen her too didn't I?

"Do you remember how you got here?" The child asked.

"Yeah, you dragged my as.s here."

The child smiled. She is not wrong. "Since it will take awhile for you to get your memories back, let's take this time to get to know each other." She patted her legs and began to braid her white hair. She had successfully finished the second stage of the plan as she watch Nairobi get seated near her. Gather a soldier, and we will work from there.

"My name is Infinity."

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