01 - Taehyun and the douchebag hotshot

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"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

Yeonjun applied the brakes, the car screeching to rest. "Stop distracting me if you want to make it to the camp alive!" He snarled, throwing a death glare at me.

I glared back with equal intensity, retorting, "I am just reading a book, asshole." 

Yeonjun slammed his hands on the steering wheel. "Then fucking hide your face, Kang!"

I eyed him with utter disbelief. "What is wrong with you, bro?"

"What is wrong with YOU, Kang Taehyun?! We are fucking lost and all you care about is a fucking book?!"

"It's an important historical novel, alright?!" I shot back.

Yeonjun chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, right. But we are still lost and you should be trying to connect to the GPS instead of reading that shit. Or I will personally throw it out of the window." He paused, "And stop distracting me."

"Not my fault that you have a raging crush on me, Mr Distracted ass," I replied dryly. For a good five minutes, there was complete silence with the rustling of leaves from the wind and the occasional barks of the wild dogs. Then Yeonjun finally turned to look at me. 

"At this point, having a crush on Stacy Parkinson would've been more understandable."

I opened the book again and turned to the dog-eared page, ignoring any and all eye contact for personal reasons. "Then why are you drooling over me?"

The other looked like he wanted to strangle me so badly; he was literally fidgeting in his seat. "Oh my god, Tae baby! You know about it?" He mocked but soon his expressions faded away, all the sarcasm dropping as he deadpanned, "I want to choke you so bad."

I darted him a challenging glare. "Choke me, daddy!" He was livid. I knew he was. Because the next thing he did was to do exactly that, but it was more of 'literal choking to death'. And then he left altogether, going back to the glaring contest he was having with my book. I could only laugh. I had won the round.

I would definitely blame Stacy and Wooyoung for me ending up here, in the middle of nowhere with person I find the most annoying. I never even opted to go to the absurd summer camp before graduation thing. I would've loved to stay back in Daejeon, probably watching Netflix in the comfort of my dorm while I scrolled through the camp picture dumps on Instagram.

But, nooo. The universe has it out to fuck me because that's when my unbelievably obnoxious 'friends' came into the scene with the leaflet designed by the camp committee. "Hey Tae, guess what?!" Stacy asked, almost unstable on her high heels as she tried so hard not to jump with eagerness.

I lazily looked up at her. "What?"

"We are going to camp baby!" She squealed, shoving the leaflet to my face.

Then it was Wooyoung who suggested for us to rent cars so we can avoid the crowded buses and actually enjoy a long trip to the mountains. For a moment, I had forgotten that Wooyoung was also best chums with Choi fucking Yeonjun, the popular hotshot who had girls and boys swooning around him. It got on my nerves.

So, needless to say, my first reaction was 'fuck no'. But of course, Stacy and Wooyoung were one such duo that would never give up on anything, not even their exes. That was it. They started blackmailing me and spamming me with thousands of messages and even emails until I was at my limits.

"Fine! But I won't be sharing a car with that arrogant dickhead." I had made it very clear and the first point in my list of terms and conditions. And apparently, they both took it as a challenge.

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