02 - Taehyun is lost (douchebag's fault)

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"Let's take this route."

I looked over to where he was pointing on his phone, scrunching my nose. "GPS says otherwise. Do what it says. I doubt anyone goes from there."

The thing about Yeonjun was he was known to be daring so the fact that he was asking me such a thing wasn't really a huge surprise to me.

After a travel of almost an hour, we arrived in a town where, according to the map, was a Y-section. Both led to the same place but one of them was a rather long one. And that happened to be the exact route Yeonjun was suggesting while eating his mint chocolate ice cream; his tastes sucked, strawberry is much better.

And now he smirked as if whatever bullshit he was spewing was any smart. "You like literature, don't you?"

That was random and it did catch me off-guard but I recovered from it rather quickly. He must've noticed the book I was reading, which was 'Catch-22' by the way. "Yeah? What about it?"

"Then you must've read that poem called 'The Road Not Taken'."

"What is this about, Choi Yeonjun?"

"So like it was in the poem, we are taking the more adventurous route. The one not taken."

I crossed my arms, staring at the guy like he was an alien, which from his words did sound like one. "Were you always this stupid or did you hit your head before coming here?"

"What?" He asked defiantly and I just couldn't believe that he said that in all seriousness. I was fed up, so done with his antics.

I clucked my tongue. "You know what? I won't even try to argue. Do whatever the fuck you want. But if we stray away from the route, I won't be taking any responsibilities."

Yeonjun presented me with a challenging wink before climbing into his seat. "Sure thing."

It was that idea, that goddamn idea which landed the both of us in the very situation I had tried oh so damn hard not to land in. And I wasn't really having a great time.

"I...am sorry," Yeonjun finally uttered, avoiding my gaze as best as he could. I said nothing, however; I was still furious with him.

The winds rushed, the leaves clapped, the engine whirred, and the sun shone as brightly as ever. But the silence was so fucking loud in itself that it literally rung in my ears, urging me to put an end to it. So, in the end, I had no other choice.

"Alright. I am sorry as well."

"No, it's fine. It was my fault after all." Good thing Yeonjun at least accepted his fault. Being the kind of jock he was, I was fully expecting his pride to be larger than the entirety of South Korea itself. It was nice to be proved wrong for once.

"Let's just not talk about it. South Korea isn't that big, we'll find our way back eventually."

I heard him chuckle. "If that was your way of joking, you need to work on your skills, darling." And I was back to glaring at him but did not say anything. I wasn't in the mood to, anyway. I just opened my book once again to the dogeared page and sought the pleasant tranquillity I so desired.

But of course, Choi Yeonjun was still right there, dedicated to ruining my time of peace. "What's brown and sticky?" He asked suddenly, making me flinch. What kind of question was that?

After pondering over it for a while, I slowly answered, "Melted sugar?"

He was already giggling a little when he said, "No, a stick." And I just wished to slap him so hard across his stupid face that he'd never wake up. Where was that Choi Yeonjun charm that made the girls fall head over heels for him? Or did they fall for his dad jokes?

"Come on that was a funny one," Yeonjun suggested with a smile, turning the steering to a different road yet again.

I rolled my eyes. "If you believe so then you should really consider consulting a psychiatrist."

"Yeah, whatever." He paused, straightening his stature. "Why are you going to the camp anyway if you hate it so much?"

"Ask your friend Wooyoung."

"He forced you into it?"

"Of course he did." Yeonjun let out a laugh, changing the gear of the car. I could almost see the similarity between him and Wooyoung; both of them were equally annoying. No wonder they were friends. "But you are here after all. Loosen up a bit and enjoy your time."

"Not while I'm with you," I muttered.

"Huh? Didn't quite catch that."

"Nothing. Focus on the road." I replied curtly.

The following silence was all I ever wished for.

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