03 - Taehyun's deep talks ft. douchebag

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Two hours. Two whole hours passed by, yet we were nowhere near anything like a camp so far. So much for taking ' The Road Not Taken'. Sun was nearing the horizon and if we didn't reach it by dusk, it was gonna be a huge problem on our hands.

The silence amidst us was tense, so much so that I had to fidget in my seat to cope with it. Yeonjun seemed to be in a not-so-different situation. He looked tired and, for the first time that day, I actually felt pity for the boy. He had been driving for the last four hours with only one break so far. If only I knew how to drive a car.

"I doubt the GPS is gonna work around here. And it's already 5:30. Let's call it a day and instead try to find a motel around," I suggested softly, clutching my book hard. Looking at his face, he seemed like he'd snap any second.

What surprised me was a small smile that suddenly made its way to Yeonjun's lips, it was a bit endearing but I wouldn't admit that out loud.

"Yeah, alright," he obliged with a nod to himself. I barely contained a smile myself.

By our sheer luck, we soon came across a motel which wasn't in the best of its conditions but enough for a night's stay. The walls were kinda worn and had seepage at some corners, there was a musky smell lingering inside which was kind of irksome but nothing I couldn't deal with.

"Not that bad!" Yeonjun shrugged, gesturing to the lame excuse of a deluxe room; deluxe in the sense of two beds that were kept side by side, separated by a single bedside table with a rather dim lamp. Okay, I take that bag. I don't know how I was gonna manage in that room. It felt like hell to me.

I dropped my backpack on one of the beds, trudging over to the only other door besides the front door itself. I heard Yeonjun groan from pain behind me as I slowly pushed the door. "Jesus Christ," I muttered under my breath before closing the door almost instantly and turning back to the other male, who had thrown himself on one of the beds, face buried in a pillow. "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me," Yeonjun responded without lifting his head.

"You sure?"

There was a pause. "I do have a slight backache. But I am sure it'll subside if I just re-- oh my fucking god!" He croaked as I pressed his back with my palm.

"Doesn't sound like it was slight,"  I commented, trying to hold back a smirk. "Let me help you." But as soon as I said those words, I regretted it. My eyes went to his back and, after a moment, I sighed, reluctantly climbing onto the bed, kicking my shoes aside before straddling his back. It was the most uncomfortable position in my life. "Is it okay if I just..?"

"Go ahead," he muttered weakly and I nodded, beginning to rub circles between his shoulder blades. I realized that his muscles were unbelievably tight and tensed. Damn.

It took several minutes before I started getting rid of that awful tension in his back and shoulders. He grunted every now and then which was something that made me feel slightly proud. It had been ages since I last did a massage on someone, so I was sceptical if it was still gonna work. But it sure did as I felt his muscles beginning to loosen up.

"Thank you," Yeonjun mumbled and I chuckled, continuing with the massage.

And so that went on until I had finally gotten rid of all the knots and Yeonjun was lying down, facing the ceiling. I found myself on my own bed, flipping through my book from before.

Yeonjun slowly turned to face me. "You are not as bad as I had thought."

I glanced at him. "You are not quite bad yourself."

I heard him hum quietly and my gaze travelled back down to the book. After a while, he spoke once more. "Do you not feel sleepy?"

I flipped to another page. "Not really."

He hummed again and fell silent once more. I waited, letting my thoughts wander. "Can I ask you something?"

"Why not?"

"Earlier, why did you ask me if the school knew about your sexuality?" The question had been bothering my conscience ever since we had that conversation. I had to ask it away or I would've defended does out of curiosity.

"That, er... Only Woo knows that I am gay. And I do not plan to come out to others, not yet. You know how they are... I just got scared earlier. That's all." During the entirety of his confession, he was playing with a random strand sticking out of the bedsheet, his gaze trained upon it.

Comforting people around me was never a forte of mine. Whatever I said after that was just a lame attempt to do so. "I'll be hundred per cent honest with you, I heard about it from Stacy. Now, Woo might've told Stacy about it but I am pretty sure you can trust him with this secret of yours. And Stacy is no threat. She can be sly at times but she won't ever breach someone's trust. You don't have to worry about any of them."

He stared at me silently, contemplating the information. A few seconds later he turned his head towards the window, looking somewhat lost. His expression was difficult to decipher since it was so mixed up; on the one hand, he looked troubled but at the same time, relieved.

Maybe I failed after all.

Sometime later, he finally responded. "Have you ever fallen for someone who wasn't a girl?"

My brows furrowed together. He sounded genuinely curious. "Never. Not that I remember. You must've, though."

A long silence followed, filled with nothingness before he spoke. "Only twice."

"As in the girl group?"

I received a well-deserved hit from a pillow thrown by Yeonjun as he let out a loud laugh. "Shut the fuck up, dunderhead."




"You are cute."

"Idio- wait, what?"

He only laughed louder looking at my flummoxed state. "Look at you and that face of yours. I want to pull your cheeks." And he giggled some more while I stared at him, totally aghast. What the hell?!

"Fuck you."

"Nooo, I'm too young. Too innocent. Don't make a move on me before you're 30." Yeonjun exclaimed dramatically, pointing at me with his index finger.

How was I even keeping up with his antics?

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