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January, 2016

"We're getting easier to track" Bucky mumbled as Oliver bent down to tuck the dead woman's hair behind her ear. Currently she was laying on the floor of their apartment which the two had rightfully decided to abandon. 

Oliver had also decided to call the police so they would find her body. It didn't feel right to just leave her there. 

The boy took a sharp breath. He knew her. He knew her. He knew the girl he had just killed. The girl who had been one of his first mentors. What had he come to? He knew this was going to happen some day. And he was not ready for it. He bit the inside of his cheek, determined to not let his emotions slip. 

"Kid, we need to get out of here" Bucky said, putting a hand on Oliver's shoulders and gently guiding him away from there. There would be a time for grief. 

Oliver nodded solemnly, getting up and swinging his bag over his shoulders. Taking a last look at the apartment and the girl in the sofa, for the second time, he felt guilty for a kill. 

"They caught up with us way too soon" Bucky noticed. They were already half way to the nearest train station, skipping countries every time assassins found you was not easy so they had decided to stay as close to any escape route they might have which included train stations, airports, and bus stops.

"That's because HYDRA and  the red room are working together to track us down" Oliver said, his voice emotionless. It was snowing slightly, and ever so often a snow flake landed on his cheek but he couldn't find it in himself to enjoy it.  "Didn't you see her uniform, that wasn't from the academy"

"It looked the same to me" Bucky shrugged, slowing down a bit when he realized Oliver was lagging behind. While carrying the conversation, the older man tilted his head towards a car that he saw on the other side of the road.

"No" Oliver replied to his comment but nodded to the head tilt which confused Bucky until the boy dragged him across the road. He then continued, "It didn't have the dark grey line by her waist, the zipper wasn't black and it was much looser around her chest"

"Why were you even looking there?" Bucky nonchalantly punched in the window glass of the car and opened the door, letting the boy in and stepping in after him.

"I dunno??" Oliver exclaimed with a disgusted expression as he wiggled in his seat. "I didn't mean to, I jus— I just noticed it. Geez"

Oliver's face was heating up quickly which was even worse in the cold. Bucky however found it hilarious, this was the first time he was seeing a flustered Oliver and he was going to have his fun.

"Hey, it's okay. I—" Bucky almost shivered from what he was about to say. He tried not to feel awkward as he saw Oliver bending down in his seat to open a panel in the car to hotwire it. "I was a teenager once too—"

"No, no, no, no. We are not talking about this" Oliver tried to get up too quick and banged his head hard, rubbing it, he shook his head. He really didn't want to get that talk from Bucky. "And I wasn't looking that way!" 

"I'm just saying. Respect women and you'll get one"

"Hey, I know what it's like to be perceived as a woman. It's creepy and mostly you feel like killing all men. But, like I said before— I didn't look on purpose, I just noticed that" He twisted a few wires together and the car roared to life. But he couldn't even look at Bucky with how red he was in his face.

"Fine, fine" Bucky held up his hands. 

"Also, why would you bother about getting girls?" Oliver raised an eyebrow and then frowned with satisfaction (he had different frowns for different emotions, only he and Bucky could tell the difference) when the car finally started going down the street. "You're like the gayest guy I know, which isn't saying much since you're the only gay guy I know"

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