A Tragic Backstory

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A/N- Trigger warning. This chapter describes child abuse.

The  double lesson ended and Y/N and Hermoine went to lunch in the great hall before heading to Charms. They had double charms to finish the day.

As they entered the class they were greeted by the friendly but diminutive Professor Flitwick.

After checking the attendance record and falling off his stack of books when getting to Harry's name he turned his attention to Y/N

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After checking the attendance record and falling off his stack of books when getting to Harry's name he turned his attention to Y/N.

"Mr L/N... I had a discussion with Professor McGonagall about your... progress and I would like to assess your skills prior to starting the class if that is ok with you?"

"Of course Professor whatever you say" Y/N smiled.

He invited Y/N to the centre of the classroom and conjured up a training dummy.

"I will call out a spell and if you are able to please perform it. Please direct your spells towards the training dummy"

"Of course Professor" Y/N smiled. He stood up from his seat between Hermoine and Harry and walked to face the training dummy, raising his wand.

"Let's start easy. Light"

"Extinguish it"

"Levitate it"
Wingardium leviosa

"Bring it down"

"Hit it with water"

"Protective shield"

"Blow it up"

"Fix it"

"Knock back jinx"

"Disarm it"

"Stun it"

"Cut it"

"Set it on fire"

The training dummy was now a burning pile of ash and broken parts on the floor. Flitwick non verbally restored it before turning his attention back to Y/N with a giant smile plastered across his tiny face.

"You may lower your wand Mr. L/N"

Y/N did so before he turned back to the teacher, noticing the faces of his fellow first years. They all, without exception, sat with eyes and mouthes wide open. The Professor smiled.

"That was exceptional Mr L/N. Truly exceptional. Good show. I would ask that you spend the rest of this lesson undertaking a previous theory exam while the class starts learning the light casting spell".

"Sounds great Professor" Y/N smiled before returning to his seat. Hermione grabbed his hand under the desk and gave it a friendly squeeze. She whispered into his ear:

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