Chapter Twenty-Nine: See You Later Part II

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Close Again
"So far away
you see the same moon
I see
and it makes us close again" -Atticus.

~Atticus POV~
I was sitting for roughly ten minutes thinking about what this-this woman just told me.

"God bless you." She said in a sing song voice with a faint smile. I looked up from the ground and flared my nostrils at her because-this bitch!

"Get out." I said and she pulled back.


"How stupid do you think I am?" I asked her standing up pointing at myself.

"I'm not trying to make you a fool."

"Uh-oh? Really now?"

"Ciara is a year younger that Alister, you didn't find out about everything until I was pregnant, you were so angry you just threw my things out without an explanation-Atticus I-I wouldn't lie about this." She said softly, I looked at her and she had tears welled up in her eyes.

"I know you've always wanted a daughter and well-yes I guess miracles do happen to bitches." She said repeating the word I called her. My heart fluttered, oh my God.

"Three years? You kept her from me for three years." I couldn't help but still be mad.

"You threw me out- you didn't want to hear anything from me Atticus." She said raising her voice.

"Was I supposed to want to hear anything from you, you slept with my brother!"

"It was an accident!"

"Rose, it wasn't him alone, that's a lot of accidental dick!"

"You've slept with women too!"

"I have never slept with a woman while we were together, why would I break up my happy marriage, you were my ALL." I screamed and stopped to calm myself.

"Let's go to my office." I said because the bar was getting full. We entered my room to drown out the music, since it was sound proof. I walked up to my table and looked at Alister's picture on my desk. I left my office to get some water quickly and returned to see her sitting in the chair.


"Rose." I said turning to her.

"You've never slept with any other woman?"

"Rose NO!" I screamed at her again because she loves to argue.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to feel like a bad father."-

"You could never make me feel like a bad father."- I said through gritted teeth.

"I raised Alister on my own for three healthy years, he's been in good hands, he never once went hungry or felt neglected because I love my son with my all." I said looking straight at her.

I love him too."

"You leave the people you love, because you are so good at leaving. You could have fought, tried to explain but you didn't even fight to get back in the house, you left willingly."

"You threw me out!"

"And you left willingly!"

"Atticus the past is the past and I'm back now and we can be in both of our children's lives." She said and I raised a brow at her.

"You turned your back on Alister when you mysteriously forgot that he wasn't your child. You wanted to go through the whole surrogacy because you were 'barren' remember?" I said air quoting barren.

"Who wouldn't feel a way, I thought he was another woman's child."

"He is another woman's child! That's how surrogacy works!" I screamed, my eyes widened.

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