The Scarlet Train

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My grandpa helped me find platform nine and three quarters, it was harder than I thought, that was until I saw a boy with the same stuff on his trolly as me, "gramps look" I pointed at the boy and his parents. "Excuse me, uh d-do you happen to know how to get to platform nine and three quarters?" My gramps wearily asked them as we approached them "Why yes of course follow me, I'm Lyall lupin and this is my lovely wife Hope, and our son Remus" the tall man said cheerily, I looked of at the young boy Remus and smiled. He had two scars on his face, one going over his left eyebrow and over his nose slightly, the second just under that but smaller, he had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Maybe he's a werewolf like my dad was I thought to myself taking a good look at him


Remus and I walked together looking for an empty compartment to sit in, my kitten Roach sat draped over my shoulder playing with my hair as Remus scratched it's head. We found a compartment that had two boys already in it, one had short dark brown hair and big round glasses and honey eyes, the other had longer shaggy hair and dark brown eyes. I opened the compartment door slowly looking at Remus, I then turned back to the boys and spoke "hey, can my friend and I sit here? All the other compartments are full" the boy with glasses smiled and looked at the other "Yeah of course! I'm James Potter, and this is Sirius Black" they smiled at us as we sat down "I'm Remus Lupin and this is Y/n L/n, nice to meet you" Remus introduced small smile on his face, Sirius looked between us and stared blankly "Are you two a couple? You look like a couple don't they James?" Sirius smirked looking at James while I went pink, I could have sworn Remus was too "I do think so too, you are a couple right? Oh oh is you ship name (ship name)!?" I looked over at Remus who scratch out being pink he was red bright red. I shook my head quickly, "No, no no we just met were friends?, I think?" Remus tried to explain I looked at him when he looked at me to confirm we were friends, I just smiled and nodded as confirmation.
The rest of the train ride was filled with jokes and laughter, when randomly James brought up the subject of pranks I smiled and nodded "I once turned my teachers hair pink!" I said and the others laughed, "Sweet Merlin how?!" Sirius said between laugh's "I followed him to the store and when he wasn't looking I put pink food coloring in his conditioner" I giggled as the boys burst out laughing again. We talked about our pranks till we got off the train, we were met with a tall bearded man with black scruffy hair "firs' years follow me" the man yelled out for the first years.
We were on the boats with another boy who had a big nose, he was staring straight at me thinking I hadn't noticed, I turned to look at him stopping my conversation with Sirius "can I help you?" I said to the boy, he looked startled and started blushing looking away, "O-oh uhm I was wondering what your name was, I'm Severus Snape" he said still pink "And she's not interested" James laughed out, the other boys trying to hide their snickering, "I'm Y/n, these are my friends James, Sirius, and Remus" snape nodded still staring at me, jeez this is getting real awkward I thought pursing my lips.


"That Snape guy is getting really weird I mean look how hard he's staring at Y/n, like seriously dude take the hint she stopped talking to you" I whispered over to Remus who snorted then covered it with a cough, smooth Remus smooth. "Yo! Snape quit staring at her I know she's hot but leave her alone man, she's my wife!" Sirius stated glaring at Snape we all quietly giggled as Sirius grabbed Y/n's hand. Snape was so shocked it was hilarious, none of us being able to hold in our amusement just burst out laughing at him. "Haha, now now Snivellus, don't go getting your hopes up" I said still laughing, he looked over at Y/n to see her glaring at me "really James, he probably doesn't even like me, see watch" Y/n said as she stood up on the boat and sat beside Snivellus "you don't like me do you?" She asked putting her hand on his shoulder, Snape went bright red and began stuttering saying stuff like 'what' 'probably' 'maybe' 'I don't know' and that was enough for Y/n to come to the realization that Snivellus did like her, she just moved back over to us and sat back next to Sirius "okay maybe you were right" Y/n whispered back to us.


I was so nervous standing in the great hall with my friends, I looked over at the others who were just as nervous looking as I was "POTTER JAMES" McGonagall called out my name, you got this James I thought to myself going up to the stool where McGonagall put the sorting hat over my head, please be Gryffindor please be Gryffindor please please please I said over and over in my head "so you want to be in Gryffindor aye? Well let's see, strong mind, yes yes, brave, ah yes I know exactly where to put you GRYFFINDOR!" The hat called out I smiled as the Gryffindor table cheered and clapped, I walked over to the table and sat down waiting to see if my friends were also in Gryffindor.


James looked so relieved to be in Gryffindor, gosh I hope I'm in Gryffindor too. Remus and Sirius have been sorted already, they both got Gryffindor, "L/N Y/N" I was so nervous my hands had started shaking okay okay calm down Y/n you'll be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff maybe even Ravenclaw, wait no I'm to stupid for Ravenclaw I sat down on the stool as McGonagall put the sorting hat over my head "Such a strong mind, your brave yes? Ah rather troublesome I see just like your father, ahh courageous I know, GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled as the Gryffindor table erupted with cheers again, I looked over at Remus and the others smiling. I was about to sit down when a boy with light brown hair looked over at me while he moved over, "Hi, uhm I'm Peter, peter Petigrew" he said holding his hand out, "Hey! I'm Sirius, that's my secret lover James, my wife Y/n, and her secret lover Remus!" Sirius said while leaning Infront of me huge smile plastered on his face, Remus and I going red yet again. I pushed Sirius' head back sitting down between Remus and Peter "Wait, you could be like our secret love child or something, alright guys your all Potter's now, you especially son" James said pointing at Peter at the end of his sentence Peter just smiled and nodded as the rest of us laughed.

Okay uh well so like this chapter is longer and all but still bad, just fair warning, there is swearing on my unchristian Minecraft server.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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