The Fluffy Aftermath

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The pair sat comfortably in silence in the Room of Requirement. They didn't speak... they didn't need to. Hermione leant her head against Y/N's chest, an arm round his lower back as she listened to his heartbeat. Y/N's arms were around Hermione as he rubbed her back and played with her hair.

Hermione sat with a huge smile on her face. Y/N had suffered so much. Pain she couldn't begin to comprehend. Yet he was still smiling. When he had told her she was his best friend her heart had skipped a beat.

She felt the same way. They hadn't known each other long but they had grown so close, so quickly. She made a decision- Y/N had sworn to her that he would never leave her alone. She would do the same for him. Her best friend had suffered so much. She wanted to make sure he didn't suffer again.

Even when he was telling her about how horrible his childhood was he would stop to make sure she was ok.

Hermione tried to wrap her head around it. He had shown no emotion when he was talking about all those horrible things but got upset when Hermione was upset.

He had even said if it was too much she could talk about his story to Professor McGonagall or her parents. That he didn't want her to feel overwhelmed. Even though he didn't want other people to know he was more concerned about her. Hermione felt an indescribable sense of gratitude coupled with butterflies in her stomach she didn't understand.


After sitting for a while the two went down to the great hall for dinner. Y/N felt extremely drained after the soul bearing conversation and didn't really want to talk to anyone else.

Unfortunately, after what happened in Charms everyone wanted to talk to the 'super powerful first year'. Nothing spread as fast as gossip at Hogwarts.

Y/N avoided people as much as possible. They had had some dinner and soon returned to the Gryffindor common room. Y/N and Hermione sat on one of the two couches in front of the fireplace.

It wasn't long though before Harry and Ron came over and sat opposite them. Harry seemed to pick up on something being off with Y/N, but Ron was oblivious. He continually badgered Y/N with questions which got at most one word answers and mostly grunts.

Harry looked at Y/N with concern. He seemed really down, and Harry noticed Hermione subtly attempt to deflect the conversation away from Y/N and his abilities or training. Ron however continued to miss the memo.

As they sat there the group was surprised as a small kitten jumped up on the couch.

"Hey Smoky" Y/N smiled as the kitten sat on his lap, the feline's behind pushing Hermione's hand back and away from Y/N.

"Oh my god she is beautiful" Hermione smiled and gushed. She reached out to pat the kitten before jumping back in shock.

She had narrowly avoided being scratched as the Kneazle lashed out with her claws, hissing and trying to scratch the girl.

"SMOKY NO!!!" Y/N said firmly and angrily.

"Hermione I am so sorry. She's really territorial and doesn't like females. Smoky you apologise to Hermione and be nice now!"

The kitten meowed at Y/N, almost sounding angry at him.

"Smoky! You apologise and let Hermione pat you or you'll go back in your cage for half an hour!"

The Kneazle looked at Y/N, then to Hermione and meowed. Hermione reached out apprehensively before slowly stroking the kittens head. The kitten purred before looking at Y/N, meowing at him and bolting off his lap and up the stairs towards Y/N's dorm.

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