DEAD MOM (Saiki Kusuo x Toritsuka Reita)

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I know you said you'd wait, but this is way overdue for me.....T_T

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of alcohol and child neglect (not extreme, but it will be mentioned)

Saiki's P.O.V

Congratulations requester for your patients. I'm not sure what this one shot is about this time, because the author's mind is unreadable.

[I'm not letting you read my mind.]

Yare yare.


Anyways, I was enjoying lunch in peace up on the school rooftop. That was until, a nuisance came up to me; the perverted medium wannabe.

"Hey! Saiki! Can I ask you something?" Toritsuka said, looking a little nervous. "What do you want?" I asked glaring at him. "I-It's about you guardian spirit....I-"

"I'm not interested. I'm a psychic and I can protect myself. With or without a guardian spirit." I began to walk away. I bet my guardian spirit is probably a woman Toritsuka is eyeing. "W-wait! Saiki! It's just..." I stopped. Not because he asked me to wait, but because I just realized something.

I can't read his mind....

I walked towards him again and grabbed his arm. "Either your brain dumbed down to Nendou level, or you're wearing..." I lifted his sleeve, and right next to his red beaded bracelet was another bracelet, made out of. "...Germanium".

"I-I can explain!" He waved his free hand frantically. "What could you possibly be thinking, that you wanted to hide it from me. Did you do something that was illegal? Like harass a woman? If it is, you're right to be scared of me. I'll have you thrown in jail." I glared at him, his face dripping with sweat.

"W-wait! Please just use your psychometry on me. You'll see, what I was trying to keep from you." He begged. Sighing, I looked around. There was no one else up here or anyone going up to the rooftop.

I took off my glove and gripped his arm. "Look next to you." Toritsuka said. I looked and saw a beautiful woman, with purple hair.

 I looked and saw a beautiful woman, with purple hair

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[I don't know what anime this is. I just got it from google. It's just to give you an idea of what she looks like.]

She didn't seem to be listening to us. Just floating and looking at the sky.

"Saiki, this is your guardian spirit. R--" I cut him off. "I don't want to know her. I already know for sure you want me to give you time with this ghost." This ghost is not only a woman, but a very physically attractive one. Even if she is a ghost. I can already guess what Toritsuka wants. It's probably for the best that I don't know what he's thinking.

"W-well, actually... Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask you. But, it's because--" I cut him off again. "I don't want to hear it. I'm not gonna help you pick up on girls. Whether their a ghost or not." I gripped tighter onto his arm. I was a little surprised when I saw tears coming out of his eyes. Was it something I said, or the arm gripping?

"H-her Reiko Toritsuka.... She's my mom....." He wiped his tears with the sleeve off his free arm.


Only one word to describe this moment.


"Um....How did she...?" I tried to ask. "She had a drinking problem. She wasn't a part of my dad's religion. So she didn't care much for it. The reason for their marriage is a mystery for me."

Ok never mind. Two words:

Very Akward.

"My dad took me away from her, because she ignores me a lot. She just carried on drinking and doing other stuff, that shouldn't be done when you have a kid in the house. I heard she just wasted herself away with her bad habits." He finished wiping away his tears. "I wanted to have a do over with her. She won't remember me, but at least I can talk to her as a stranger she never knew she hurt..."

"Why are you telling me all this now?" I asked, wondering why it took him so long to inform me, that his mom was my guardian spirit.

"I never saw your guardian spirit around you. Probably because you're so powerful, she must have thought she didn't need to look after you. It was only a week ago did I see her floating next to you." He answered. Then he pointed towards his arm with the bracelet on.

"I purchased a germanium bracelet, so you wouldn't know what I was thinking. I wanted to work things out with myself first before I confronted you. I was relieved you didn't realize you couldn't read my until today." He explained.

"I'm sorry for assuming something bad, Toritsuka. Talk to your mom as much as you want. You can even visit me at home to talk to her as well." I genuinely apologized.

"It's okay. I know what I can be like sometimes...It's no surprise you--Wait, really?" He looked at me, eyes with dried up tears, sparkling with joy. I nodded my head. "Yes." He jumped up and hugged me.



Months passed by and Toritsuka has bonded well with his ghost mom. They were good friends. I even convinced him to finally tell her who he was. Which he finally did.

"Wow.... Was I really like that... When I was alive....?" Reiko said, feeling disappointed in herself. "Yeah... You were...." Reita said, looking sadly to thee side.

By the way I started calling him by his first name. We ended up getting closer with each other too.

"But, you're such a nice kid! I can't believe I was that horrible of a person." Reiko's hand balled in to a fist. "I'm going to make it up to you! Even though I'm a ghost, I'll do my best to give you motherly advice. Please come to me, when you need help Reita." She tried to hold on to his shoulders despite not having a physical body, resulting to her hands going through his shoulders.

"Really? Thanks,!" Reita said, already happy to call her mom again.

"And as my first job as a renewed mom, I approve of your relationship with Saiki!" Reiko said clapping her hands together. Reita and I froze.

"R-relationship?" Reita asked. Reiko's hand dropped. "Wait...You two aren't dating...? Sorry, I just thought...since you're together most of the time--" I cut her off.

"Actually Reita, I was hoping--With the approval of your mom of course--that you would agree to meet up with me at the movies?" I asked. He turned his head to me shocked.

"Like...a date....?" Hea asked. I nodded.

"Uh....yeah! Of course I would!" He answered with a smile on his face.

"And of course I approve!" Reiko rapidly clapped her hands.

"Great! 7:00pm?"

"7:00pm! See you then!"



...Um...Are you still on Wattpad....?

I'm sorry. I'm just not very active in writing on wattpad these days.... Please don't expect much from a 15 year old kid. I'm still a student╥﹏╥


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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