Donna Beneviento

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The next day after our heart to heart Donna has been somewhat... clumsy throughout the day. Since I destroyed/broke some of her dolls she was busy during the morning doing her best to repair them. I paid her no mind, but Angie insisted I stay and watch her use her talent. She didn't have her shawl on today which suprised me. I pulled a chair and watched as she worked very steadily on creating a new doll using the previous ones for limbs. I tried getting a better look at what she was creating, but Angie blocked my view in front me.

"Uh uh uh. No peeping allowed." The doll cackled.

I tried physching it by going one direction while going the other and to my suprise the doll fell for it and I got beside Donna to see. She stopped and looked over at me with her left eye staring at my chest. The doll in her hands had a dark cloak that covered her body from head to toe, but the missing head was set aside for Donna to sculpt the feature. It reminded me of one of the daughters.

"Wait." She said.

Donna turned to continue working on the doll and I obliged seating back down with an annoyed Angie lightly kicking my leg.

"Next time listen stupid idiot."

"This coming from a dummy?" I remarked.

"Well "This" dummy is telling "This" dummy." She pointed her finger into my leg. "He needs to follow directions because He Is A Dummy!"

"Pardon my curiosity." I shrugged.

Donna smiled to herself hearing the two of us banter to each other. She spoke in a whisper to herself as she worked on painting the head.

"It's..nice to have company."

I ended up napping shortly after in the chair watching Donna and I didn't know how long I was out. Donna on the other hand finished and sent it on a message run to House Dimitrescu through the snow. She could only go so far, but it will be enough to make it to the castle. She came back down to her studio and still saw me asleep in my chair. An amused thought prudes into her mind as she came closer. She observed intently at my pattern and occasionally poked me a few times. Angie was giggling quietly. Donna's eye trailed to my hand and her own was beginning to reach out to it. It rested on mine and she smiled to herself. The more time she had her hand on mine the more she craved a soft touch against her skin to help her feel safe. She lightly lifted my hand up and gently rubbed it against her soft cheek. It was warm unlike hers.

"So...warm." She spoke sadly. "Claudia..."

I eventually snapped out of my nap and looked around until I saw Donna playing with my body inspecting every inch of my face. Once my eyes opened she merely jumped back in suprise and left the room quickly with Angie close on her tail. Yawning and rubbing my eyes I went to check if the doll was finished, but it wasn't there.

"Maybe she finished it?" I said to myself shrugging. "I suppose I should ask her about it later."

Each time I tried to speak to Donna she had a slight rosy color appear in her pale cheeks. It was as if each time I spoke she grew embarrassed. It kinda made me wanna torment her a little. I even suprised her scaring her a little. She almost cried in fear, but I comforted her being suprised at what I did. The rest of the day progressed and soon enough it was time for me to rest.

The bed was very comfortable with its handmade quilts, soft sheets, and fluffy pillows. Once my head smacked against the pillow my eyes shut.

"I rest now..." I groggily said before snoozing away.

Sometime in the middle of the night there was a small commotion heard and my door creaked open. Angie's quiet cackles were heard and Donna held a finger to shush the doll. She peeped through the crack. Her breathing was controlled and eased as she creaked the door even more. Her tongue licked her lower lip and she tip toed towards the bed. The floor groaned as she stepped down causing her to freeze. My body didn't react to the noise considering I was dead asleep. Donna almost giggled to herself, but refrained and creeped further until her hand touched the quilt. Her cold hands lightly clenched the fabric and she let out a relaxed sigh.

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