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Request by dacinammonroll Enjoy!

Hiro P.O.V


Urgh....the alarm is too loud....

I quickly get my hand searching at the nightstand Table for the phone and snooze it.Then I slump my head back on the pillow,get sleep back for 10 minutes.Then I fell warm around my hips and I smile at it.Hold tight Miguel's hand.

Me and Miguel have been couple like in 3 weeks already and I can't really believe he accept me for sure after I confess with trying to kiss him(Y'all probably read the oneshot "First kiss" first then you know what's happen)

Miguel:Hmmm.........What time is it?

Hiro:6 o'clock in the morning....

Miguel:Hm....should we take a another minute for cuddling...?

I glance at him and nodded.There goes Miguel get closer to me and hugged tightly with me.I would never let this hug ended here.I put my chin top of his hair,would smell the scent of the shampoo and rubbing his hair.Also take peek a kiss on his hair.

As I could hear his Giggles, music to my ears.I yawn and keep patting his hair.

Miguel:I guess we better get up before we'll late



After take bath together...

I wrapped my self from the bottom with my towel and start to find my clothes to wear together.All I have is hoodie, jacket and some ripped fashion jeans stuff.Its kinda bored.Plus all the colours most to boring and sad colour.I saw Miguel's jacket at my bed.

Hmm...His Jacket seem small but can I really wear it?

So I quickly take the jacket and switch it to my dark blue jacket that I use to wear,put it on bed.Then I put myself in Red t-shirt and jeans and goes to my mirror,try to put in Miguel's red jacket.

It's really fits me and



Smell's amazing.

I take a few sniff of Miguel's jacket as I keep stare at the Bathroom door so that he never notice that I've been wearing his jacket.

Oh well then let's try to switch jacket and see if he realized it or not.

Miguel P.O.V

Urgh finally.My stomach is back to Normal.What did I ate last night dinner that make my stomach goes hurt this morning....

Anyways I clearly didn't see Hiro at his room as I get out from his bathroom after taking shower with him.Then I told him to get out first to do something urgent.

My eyes keep looking around where he was and I don't have any clues.Does he leave me alone?It couldn't be.Must be he prepare some breakfast.

I quickly wear my jacket and my usually white singlet,but it does seem like it a bit tight?I mean I wear this when I was 12 and it's still like new to me.But the scent is kinda weird but i don't care.I may be late today.

So I quickly get into down stairs as I pack my stuff and see Hiro was done preparing breakfast.It was a toasted bread with cheese and eggs top of it.Hmmm smell good.I was glad I have Boyfriend like him.

Hiro:Good Morning,Baby

I smile but


I just realized

I never seen Hiro wear Red Jacket before all he wear was black,Grey and Blue but..

Hiro:Baby?What's wrong?

Miguel:Urm Nothing Corãzon is just that.....Where did you get that red jacket?

Hiro:Oh this?I borrow for a day from.


I look at the sleeve jacket and

IT'S BLUE??!!!!



Hiro:Calm down okay?I'll be sure to wash it and you can have my jacket for a day

I'm glad to hear that but......


I stand still watching him wearing my red jacket and I just feel my face was really hot.

Hiro:Hm?C'mon Miguel let's eat.We won't go late to class again

I nodded and sit Infront of him,eating slowly and stare at him.Hiro seem to notice it and I quickly focus on the food.

And all seem to be silenced.



Miguel:You should ask me if...I-if..Y-you....y-yo

I can't even talk properly cuz I'm too embarrassed about that I'm wearing Hiro's jacket now!


Oh fuck it he's looking at me weirdly!

I heard Hiro chuckling and I immediately goes glance at him that stand up from his seat and goes stand beside me.

Miguel:W-what so funny?

Hiro patted my head and kiss my forehead.Hiro went closer to my face and smile at me.My heart went wild beating fast.

Hiro:I wouldn't tell you when the time I'll wear your jacket...It Would be nice to steal it don't you think?

Miguel:B-but that's my fav Jacket...You can't just take it from me...

Hiro:I know and that jacket was my fav too...But I'll let you have it for one day

Miguel:Alright then you can have mine for one day too let it be more fair

Hiro:Sure but one deal


He went slightly kiss on my lips and I went kissing it back.Both of us slowly parted and giggling each other.

Miguel:Ok ok quit that lets go before class just about to start


We both done doing our dishes,and pack our books and stuff.We both hey out from the dorm and we both greeted by Kubo and Norman.

Kubo:Good Morning,Miguel,Hiro!Nice Jacket you both got there!

Miguel:Good Morning too,Kubo!Y-yeah thanks!

I talk in little fluttering and Hiro went grabbing my hand.We both follow Kubo and Norman from behind.

Hiro:If I say this one...Can this jacket will be mine forever

Miguel:Huh?Sure I guess?

Hiro:This jacket is yours so do mine

Miguel:You've gotta kidding me....

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