Chapter 5: A Promise Fulfilled

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Last time on Izuku Uchiha, Madara's Reincarnation


Nezu: I don't think that will be happening ms Uraraka said Nezu in his chibi voice.

Ochahoe: w-what?! she said in shock.

Nezu: In the prison we made a deal with Mr. Uchiha stating that he will have full custody over Eri and also one more thing.


Izuku/Madara: First thing I want Ochako to be renamed Bitch and her Hero name to be Slut and second ................................................................................... you got that?

Nezu: y-yeah it can be done.

~End of FlashBack~

Nezu: so from today your name will be Bitch and your Hero name will be Slut by the request of Mr. Uchiha you can never change your name .

Bitch then fell to the ground in defeat sand started to cry while thinking.

Bitch: If that bastard never came back I would've kept my name and would've kept Eri under my custody that bastard I WILL MAKE HIM PAY!!!!!!! but first I have to suck Todoroki off today.

Normal: People talking.

Italics: People thinking or mindscape.

Bold: I Am Not Here for All Might or Author speaking.

Bold and Underline: change of Views or Point of views.

Bold Italics: Flashback.


Nobody POV

After that argument with Bitch, Izuku/Madara left UA grounds with Eri in his arms, heading out towards the city to fulfill his promise of buying ice cream with Eri, as when they went into the city many people were staring at Izuku/Madara because of his armor and demeanor, but the women were staring at him with lust because of his looks, which made Izuku/Madara feel weird because he had never received this type of treatment from anyone.

After that argument with Bitch, Izuku/Madara left UA grounds with Eri in his arms, heading out towards the city to fulfill his promise of buying ice cream with Eri, as when they went into the city many people were staring at Izuku/Madara because o...

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Izuku/Madara found the Ice cream shop that he had promised Eri they would eat at after walking for 5 minutes. They went inside and waited for the line, which was long, making Izuku irritated as he waited for 3 hours, making Eri feel even more hungry and desperate for Ice cream as it was finally their turn to order Ice cream.

Cashier: Hello how can I help you today sir?

Izuku/Madara turns to Eri: what do you want Eri?

Eri: She asked, "Um, um, I'd like some oreo flavored ice cream, please," with puppy eyes.

Izuku/Madara: "Sure thing," he says as he turns to face the cashier, "I'd like to have 2 Oreo flavored ice cream, 1 scoop each please."

Cashier: Okay, two 1 scoop of Oreo flavored ice cream is on the way!

The cashier then picked two Ice cream biscuits and began to place the Scoop on the biscuit when a group of robbers burst through the door to the Ice cream business and began firing into the celling, scaring the customers and forcing them to hide under the tables. Eri hid in front of Izuku/Madara's legs, terrified of the bandits.

Eri: Daddy I-I'm scared.

Izuku/Madara: Don't worry, there's nothing to be afraid of; just stick with me and everything will be ok, he added, assuring his daughter that they won't harm them.

The robbers then walked in and stood behind Izuku/Madara 

Robber 1: Oi, long hair edge boy give us all your money!

 Robber 3: Yes, and give us your kid; she will be a fun play date. he remarked with a perverted grin 

This made Izuku/Madara angry as he grabbed Eri and gave her to the cashier.

Izuku/Madara: Will you hold onto my daughter for a minute

Cashier: y-yeah I can 

Izuku/Madara then turned around, the three tomoe sharingan activated, and glared menacingly at the robber

Izuku/Madara: Care to repeat that again? 

Robber 2: This guy isn't shit come on guys let's get him!

The robber then began to shoot at Izuku/Madara, but he was catching every bullet that was fired at him until one of the robbers ammo ran out as he raced towards Izuku/Madara, attempting to hit him with the gun, but he avoided and neck chopped him in the back of the neck.

Izuku/Madara: Pathetic he said coldly.

One of the customers, who turned out to be a robber in disguise, charged towards Izuku/Madara but he grabbed him by the neck.

Izuku/Madara: Do you want to dance to?

Small Timeskip of Izuku/Madara kicking the robbers asses brought to you by this-

After Izuku/Madara kicked the robbers asses the cops arrived and arrested the robbers as then Naomasa came into the scene

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After Izuku/Madara kicked the robbers asses the cops arrived and arrested the robbers as then Naomasa came into the scene

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