Chris, when he realizes...

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Leon and Claire did as she said

Claire- when Chris hears about this, he will not be happy for you hiding such a thing

Y/n- to be honest, no one will be

Leon and Claire stayed silent as they decided to let it go for now and continue with the mission

Leon- let's just pretend that this didn't happened for now

Claire- agreed

Leon and Claire move forward on the bridge

Y/n- you're taking the long way you know...

Leon and Claire look back at y/n

Claire- what do you mean we are going the long way?

Yn- I fell all the way down there didn't I? There's a shortcut nearby where I came from, we should just all go there

Leon- show us the way

Y/n- Roger that

Y/n turn around and went back from where she came from, showing them the ladder where she came from

Claire- that looks a bit..., dangerous...

Leon- the quicker we go down there the quicker we will avoid this ladder from breaking

Claire- true...

Y/n went first, then Claire, and lastly Leon

Y/n- shouldn't have we waited for one person to go down?

Claire- well actually we need to hurry up, I don't think the chopper will wait long

Y/n- yeah but...

Just when y/n was about to say something, the ladder broke

Y/n- shoot!

They all fell down, but luckily at the end of the ladder there was a pool of water, so luckily no one was harmed, y/n went to the surface and look around

Y/n- Claire!?, Leon!?

Y/n called for them as she swim upwards, then Claire and Leon pop up

Leon- you sure are a quick swimmer...

Leon said as he kept himself in the surface, then Claire spoke

Claire- well both of you are quick swimmers

They all managed to laugh even in this scary situation, well ..., better said dangerous, they all went to the where there was no water

Leon- are you all okay?

Claire and Y/n- yeah

Y/n- how about you?

Leon- still good

Y/n- come on, it's this way

Y/n walk towards a certain direction

Claire- how are you so sure that it's over there?

Y/n- let's say that is just a hunch

Leon- okay, let's just hope that the lab is actually over there

Y/n- don't worry, it will be

Y/n opened a very rusty door, and they all entered in the lab, to be precise Umbrella's laboratory

Leon- well that was too good of a hunch...

Y/n just chuckled and brush it off what Leon said

Claire- come on there's no time to waste!

They'll start searching for the main area of the laboratory, let's say that most secretive area, of course along the way they encountered a few zombies, lickers, etc., Because nothing was easy, when they finally found the area where there was a supposedly vaccine of the virus, y/n stopped them

Y/n- remember when I said that I was the only cure of the virus?

Leon- yeah?

Y/n- that "vaccine" over there is actually a virus, not a vaccine...

Claire- how do you know that?

Y/n- well everything is created by my blood, so of course I know what's mine

Y/n pickup the vaccine and injected it herself, this made Claire and Leon confused

Y/n turn around, her eyes were red

Y/n- just to avoid more virus spreading around I injected it to myself

Her eyes went back to normal and she walked away, no one said anything they just followed her, and left in the helicopter

Y/n- and tomorrow is another day, just not a good one...

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