Leon, finally found

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(y/n)- let's keep going

The 3 of them kept going until (y/n) sensed 2 massively infected people, which have quickly started her

(well she can't tell through the smoke that she can see if the infected person is a BOW or is still a normal person, and she wasn't started because she was frightened, cause she doesn't fear anything, it's because she is hanging with humans)

(Y/n)- stop!, I can sense 2 massively infected..., People?, Or whatever it is
Chris- how can you tell?
(Y/n)- I can see it, I don't have the same sight that you have

(Y/n), Chris and Piers hid behind a wall to be secured only meanwhile, or better said to try to avoid it, but when the 2 massively infected people showed up it revealed Sherry and Jake

Chris- Sherry!, Jake!

Chris shouted grabbing the attention of both of them

(Y/n)- hey Sherry, how is him?
Sherry- oh, that is my partner, his name is Jake

The 2 massively infected people came towards us

Sherry- hi Chris, I think that we were sent in the same mission, right?
Chris- I guess so, we are going to Umbrella's lab which I think that we are near, right (y/n)?
(Y/n)- I think we are still a little bit far Chris

(Y/n) have said chuckling, Chris only sights

Sherry- but we are near, right?
(Y/n)- yep

Meanwhile with Claire and Leon

Both of them have heard talking so they have tried to skip stones as much as they could, but they have either way found (y/n) with Chris, Piers, Sherry and Jake

Leon- (y/n)!

Leon have shouted happy to see (y/n) again and in a fine condition, (y/n) have turned around and she was cracked a little smile cause she thought that it was still a little bit too soon for Leon to have found her, but either way she thought that it wasn't completely that bad, Leon ran to her and hugged her

Leon- I am so happy that you are okay

He said this about to cry, and everyone around them were like "awwww" (y/n) gave them a death stare at them and they laughed then (y/n) thought:

"It seems that my plans never works, well, it wasn't like I could hide forever anyway"

Leon didn't even bother to ask how is she completely normal, or if she was in a certain incubator, the only thing that he cares is that (y/n) is ok, he finally let go of (y/n) after squishing her one last time

Leon- so, um ..., What are you doing down here?

Leon asked (y/n) with a little bit of annoyance because the guys in the  background

(Y/n)- well, down here is where Umbrella's lab is Blondie
Leon- so guys, what's the plan?
Chris- good question, (y/n) , do you know if Wesker might be down there?

(Y/n) bit her lip angrily, but nobody notice, anyway the reason was because of what happened last time with that idiot

(Y/n)- I don't have the minimum idea, but because we are here I don't even think that he is even in here, cause knowing that we are here, I don't think that that coward wants to die so soon, maybe he has escaped while he still have the time, who knows

Everybody stayed silent...

Author note- don't worry my people, lemon is coming soon in this part of the story 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋

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