Leon, (y/n), is that you? (continue)

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I have followed Chris, and a young man appeared

-Piers, for a moment I have though that you got lost
-sorry captain, but I was almost surrounded by zombies

Then he looks at me

-this is (y/n)(l/n) from the DSO
-nice to meet you

I have said after Chris

-I am Piers Nivans, and nice to meet you too

He said smiling happily

Leon POV
Me and Claire went away to fight more zombies, until we have found a room that is the security room of the company, Claire was going to open it, but unfortunately it was locked

-great, now to find the keys that could be anywhere
-maybe a guard or scientists haves them

Claire looked at me and then looked away since it was not normal for her to see me so depressed, but for now we have to find the damn keys

(Y/n) POV

We all went outside, (well me Chris and Piers) and outside there was a truck, and there was luckily some clothes for me


I have said as I quickly grab the clothes

-I hope that it's not all military shit

I have though while opening the bag, and there was a black shirt with a pair of greyish-black jeans and some combat boots (if you have seen Resident evil 2 movie, when you see Jill with some boots, well those)

-at least something normal that I could wear

Then I have gone out of the place where I was changing to find Chris and Piers waiting for me

-do you know where Umbrella's lab is?

Chris asked looking into the forest

-yep, even though we have to walk a lot

I was almost whispering the last part, but then I have remembered that there was an elevator to go to the basement

-oh yeah, there was an elevator, so there should not be any problems
-guide the way

Chris finally said and they both followed me and tried not to do too much noises as they followed me

Back to Leon
Claire and Leon has finally found the key after a year *exaggerating* and they both went to the security room again and unlocked the door and start to search through the cameras their exit, but suddenly as they changed the camera they have found (y/n) on one of them with Chris and Piers and they seem to have a little problem fighting with the zombies

-is that...?

Leon began to say and did finished

-it can't be, but...?
-we have to go and find her

Leon said standing up and rushing into the halls and Claire followed behind him

Back to (y/n)

We have finally made it through the zombies, and Chris and Piers looked at me surprised

-you really are a good fighter (y/n)
-thanks Chris, and that is 1 of the reasons that I was hired in the DSO

I have said to him smiling


Yo people, I am running low of ideas, could you give me some ideas please?

Thank you!

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