Chapter 19

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Jacob's Pov

I was in Mal and Evie's dorm with the Vks and Jane as Mal soon enter the room.

"M, what were you doing at the museum?" Evie asked.

"Ha-ha! Evie, look at me. Do I look like I would be in a museum?" Mal asked.

"I followed you, I saw you there!" Jane called out

"Ugh!" Mal growled as she turn to Jane as her eyes flash green.

"Aah!" Jane scream as she ran our the room.

"Mal, it's me. I just wanna help." Evie said.

"Leave me alone!" Mal yells out dropping a necklace breaking it revealing a green gem.

"Your jewel! Where did you get this?" I asked.

"That is mine!" Mal yells out as Jay got a hold of the gem.

"Sorry, Mal. Can't let you have it." Jay said as her eyes were normal again

"Ugh. Ooh. What is going on?" Mal asked

"You were being rotten to the core." Evie answered.

"I was?" Mal asked.

"Hey, the jewel! What if it's cursed?" Carlos suggested.

"Let's see here- Evil. Good. Evil. Good. Evil. More evil. Good. Evil. Good. Evil. Evil. Good. Evil. Good." Jay said as he hold the gem up to Mal and away from her as her eyes flash green then back to normal.

"It is the jewel. Maleficent must have cursed it years ago." Evie said

"And hid it in that necklace." I added.

"Freddie gave me that." Mal said.

"Never knowing it contained a jewel that turned you into a raging she-witch!" Carlos said.

"What are you guys even talking about? What did I do?" Mal asked.

"Well-" Evie started then soon explained everything that happened.

"Wow. That is horrible. Evie, please don't be mad at me." Mal said.

"Of course I'm mad at you. You're my best friend and you don't treat best friends like that." Evie replied.

"I am so, so sorry." Mal apologized.

"But I also knew it wasn't you. All along. I knew." Evie said.

"Me too." I said.

"Evie, Kai, thanks for believing in me." Mal said as I give her a nodded and Evie give her a smile.

"Mal's okay!" Carlos said

"And Auradon's back to normal!" Jay added.

No One's Pov

The next day of the Jewelbilee Party was underway as everyone was taking pictures and having a good time.

"Oh! I can't stop smiling! I feel like the Cheshire cat. The smiling bit, not the invisible bit." Ally said.

"Audrey, your dress is a-mazing. I love where you put the jewel." Jordan said.

"Thanks. And you look so totes fab, Jor!" Audrey said.

"And I have no idea what you just said." Jordan said.

"I can't wait anymore. I'm about to pop!"

"Where is everyone?We need to start!" Audrey asked.

"Don't they understand the importance of the Jewel-bilee?" Ally asked.

"Forget the Jewel-bilee. I'm talking about my musical number! Oh, where are they?!" Audrey shouted.

Meanwhile Mal and Evie were in their dorm as they were getting ready for the Jewelbilee.

"Why, thank you, Your Majesty. Yes, I do like happily ever-afters." Evie said to herself in the mirror.

"Ta-da." Mal said as she came in the room in her dress that Eive had made for her.

"You look amaze'! I told you!" Evie said.

"Thanks, but I still don't think I'm up for the Jewel-bilee." Mal said.

Then a knock on the door was hear as Evie went to answer it was Jacob in his usual attire

"You guys look great ready to head out?" Jacob asked.

"I don't think I'm up for it." Mal said.

"Come on! I'm sure if we told them about the whole evil spell on your hidden jewel thing, they'd totally let you go." Evie said

No, I don't want to make a scene. Well, another scene. I mean, besides, I can't get my jewel anyway. You know, it's cursed, so, what's the point?" Mal asked.

"Well, if you're not going, then I'm not going. I'd rather be here with you." Evie said.

"Yeah me too." Jacob said.

"You know, Evie, you really are the best friend that I could ever hope for and you Jacob thank you for being our friend." Mal said.

"Aw!" Eive said while Jacob nodded.

"So now what?" Mal asked.

"You wanna try on my tiara?" Evie suggested.

"Yeah, uh, I think I'll pass." Mal said.

Meanwhile at the party Audrey was not having a happy time waiting for the Vks.

"Why aren't they here?!" Audrey shouted.

"Well, you did un-invite Mal. It's a very merry un-jewel-bilee for her." Ally explained.

"I know that. But what about Evie, Freddie and Jane?" Audrey asked.

"You think they're okay?" Jordan asked.

"Well, they won't be when I get through with them!!" Audrey shouted as she stomp her foot as Lonnie jumped as her phone went up in the air as she tried to catch her phone.

"Whoa! Got it." Lonnie said.

Meanwhile Jane, Carlos, Jay, and Freddie were running to the throne room where the Jewel-bilee was being held.

"Hurry! If we're late, Audrey'll smash us like pumpkins! Look!" Jane said.

"Hey, who's tall, dark and turquoise over there?" Carlos asked as they noticed a figure with his hand in the wall.

"He's reaching into the throne room!" Jane said

"Hey, fancy pants! What are you doing over there?" Carlos asked.

"Show yourself!" Jay ordered but the figure dropped a smoke bomb and disappeared

"Hey, where'd he go?!" Jane asked

Then the figure reappear in a cloud of blue smoke as he was a boy wearing black pants, a light blue t shirt with a blue and black trench coat with the collar up with a mess black hair and brown eyes.

Then the figure reappear in a cloud of blue smoke as he was a boy wearing black pants, a light blue t shirt with a blue and black trench coat with the collar up with a mess black hair and brown eyes

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"Ugh, not you." Jay said.

"What? Who is it?" Jane asked.

"Allow me to introductory myself. I am Zevon, son of Yzma, and your worst nightmare." Zevon introduced himself as he take out another smoke bomb.

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