Chapter 21

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No One's Pov.

Mal, Evie, and Jacob soon reach the tourney field and saw Zevon on top of the breaches as he was shooting purple lightning in the sky.

"Zevon! Stop!" Mal shouted.

"Well, if it isn't the evil Isle twins and the Freak of Nature Ka-pow!" Zevon said as he threw a bomb that created a crystal wall between them. "Or should I say the formerly evil Isle twins, now that Auradon has made you soft. I mean, not soft like a kitten or something, but well you know what I mean!"

"You have to stop this Zevon! Come down here and talk to us." Mal said as her and Evie climb up the wall.

"My, how times have changed. Mal wants to talk to me. I have to admit, there was a time where I hung on your every word." Zevon said.

"You two had a thing?" Evie asked.

"No, no. He had like a crush on me or something."

"But not anymore. You totally missed your chance Mal. Now, each jewel I add increases my power, and when I've combined them all, this antenna will transmit my spell across all of Auradon: to make everyone evil!" Zevon shouted adding more jewelry to the scepter.

Well we are never gonna let that happen! Twist of hand, and twist of fate, leave the ground and levitate! Mal said as she casted a spell that cause Zevon to levitate off the ground ."Can't use the antenna if you cant touch it, haha."

"You always were the clever one Mal. Clever, enchanting, and doomed." Zevon said as he threw a bomb which cause a part of the breaches to levitate as Evie tried to get the scepter but Zevon trips her causing her to fall from the breaches.

"Evie!" Mal shouted as she caught her and both them fell to the ground as they soon got up as Mal got her spellbook out "Try but you will never harm her, buried under suits of armor." Mal said casting a spell having suits of armor falling on Zevon but he dodges them all.

"Seriously?" Evie asked.

"What? It was all I could think of." Mal replied.

"Don't force me to destroy you Mal. Ka-slice!" Zevon said throwing bombs at them but they dodge them.

"Hey! You don't want to hurt me Zevon! I mean come on! We could trade spells and potions all day but eventually Evie, Kai and I will win." Mal said.

"You're bluffing, right?" Kai whispered.

"Oh yeah, totally." Mal whispered back. "Give up Zevon! You're outnumbered."

"Wrong again! I knew I might need backup, So that's why I broke into Geppetto's workshop." Zevon said as a puppet soon appeared.

"You're gonna stop us with a puppet show?" Mal said.

"Not quite. Ba-bam! Pa-pow!" Zevon said as he threw two bombs as the puppet grew to the size of a human and soon eight of them appeared as he slam the scepter down shooting purple lightning down at them bring them to life as they gave an evil laugh.

"Okay, yeah I see what you did there." Mal said.

"Who's pulling the strings now?" Zevon asked letting out an evil laugh.

Jacob's Pov

We were soon surrounded by the puppets as Mal was trying to think of a plan.

"There's too many of them!" Evie said.

"Evie, we need help." Mal said.

"Attack!" Ally's said. As I looked and saw Ally, Audrey, Lonnie, Jordan and Ben on a magic carpet flying above us.

"AKs to the rescue!" Audrey yelled.

"Oh, here they come to save the day!" Zevon said.

"Let's get them!" Ally yelled.

"Five, six, seven, eight! Take that!" Audrey said as she kicked one of the puppets causing it to break.

"And that!" Jordan said as she kicked another of the puppets causing it to break.

"And some of this!" Lonnie said as she kicked one of the puppets causing it to break.

"And some of that!" Ally said said as she kicked another one of the puppets causing it to break.

"While you guys work out your differences, I'm gonna take over Auradon!

"Evie, keep Zevon distracted while Jacob and I go for the staff."

"I got you, fam." Evie said

"You always do!" Mal replied.

"You ruined everything! And you're not even enrolled here!" Audrey shouted at Zevon.

"Ba-bam!" Zevon said throwing a bomb that turn Audrey into a duckling. "I think it's an improvement."

"Wings of bat and raven's eye, lift me up into the sky!" Mal said as she casted the spell as I hold on tight but we mess up the landing as I landed behind Zevon as Mal was handing over the edge."

"Once I add the last jewel, I will be unstoppable!." Zevon said.

I roar out loud as Zevon turned towards me.

"Ka-pow!" Zevon said throwing a bomb at me.

Then I hit it and it went off and my hood blew off revealing my face.

"What are you?" Zevon asked in terror.

"I am Jacob Frankenstein." I said.

Then Mal came and and trip up Zevon grabbed the staff in the process.

"It's over Zeovn." Mal said.

"Not quite Mal I also stole your jewel." Zeovn said as he showed her gem as she was now under his control.

"Mal! That's my friend you're messing with!" Evie said throwing her tiara at Zevon's hand cause the jewel to fall from his hand.

"No, no, no, no!" Zevon shouted in anger.

Then I grabbed Zevon by the throat with one hand and lifted him off the ground and toss him to Mal.

"Ka-blam!" Mal said as she swing the scepter at Zevon causing his glass bombs to break and he became forzen in ice. Now to undo your evil!" Mal soon unspell the puppets and turn Audrey human again but she was still quaking like a duck.

"We will never speak of this again." Audrey said.

Soon Mal brought the breaches back to were it was As Ben came and grabbed Zevon.

"Hey watch the collar- ow ow!" Zevon complain as I knew he was going back to the Isle.

"Later, Zevon, don't get lost on the way to the Isle! See what I did there?" Evie asked.

"I saw." Mal said as she shot a beam from the scepter at her jewel. "That should remove the curse, and now there's only one thing left to do."

"Jewel-bilee?" Evie asked.

"No, Jewel-bilee!" Mal yelled in joy.

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