The Short Girlfriend

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"You know sometimes I wonder," Gauri got Omkaara's attention off his phone and on her as she placed her feet on his folded legs to nudge him into listening. "What does it feel like to see someone shorter than you?"

Omkaara still not quite used to Gauri's brain, asked, "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday when we went to the movies, you were standing behind me being your usual six foot self and I started to wonder what life felt like from up there."

"So, you think I somehow live differently because my eyes are situated above yours?" Omkaara asked, not quite sure why they were having this conversation.

"Don't deflect the question. Just answer. What is it like to see a shorter person?" Gauri tutted as she led him back to the very important topic.

"I don't know? I mean if you're talking about you, then it all depends on your mood."

"My mood?" Gauri scrunched her eyebrows together.

"Well, if you're in a good mood, I can place my hands on your shoulders and just drag you around or get dragged along. But if you're in a bad mood, it means I gotta put my hands by my sides and lock them there, lest you start accusing me of thinking of you as my personal handrest."

"So you take advantage of my good mood to use me as your personal handrest?"

"Never said that." Omkaara realised that he could end up screwing himself over and promptly took his phone out again.

Gauri threw a nearby cushion to get his attention. "But you implied that."

"No I didn't."

"Well, then why else would you like to lean your fatass on my poor dainty shoulders?"

"It's not about being lazy. It's about being with you. If I am holding your shoulders, I can probably go wherever you go for no reason. Otherwise I'll have to ask you if I can tag along." Omkaara explained.

"How am I supposed to argue with you if you say stuff like that?" Gauri huffed to hide her reddened cheeks.

"Figure something out, lawyer."

"I won't let you flirt your way out again, writer."


Word count 360 words.

This is on the smaller side of the drabbles I plan to write. Sort of like a teaser for the kind of content that will be put up in the book.

This was basically just a conversation. Hopefully I'll get better at writing shorter shots through this.

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