Chapter two The fever

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"You will have to sleep on the floor on some cushions " i lay the cushions out."we dont have any others beds im afraid" i said. "Thats fine and thankyou so much for letting me stay" he replied.
"That's fine don't worry about it" I smiled. It's nice that we're getting on so well. Just when everything was calm poppy ran in and yelled " rose is puking" she was shaking and looked really scared." Calm down I will go check on her" I hugged poppy "well done for being such a great messenger"
I ran to rose and I found her coughing blood!" Jack quickly help, what do we do?" I clambered panicking. Jack put his hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry my dad used to be a docter I can see that she has a fever" I was shaking by then " what can we do?" I asked "We need to find land then I can find the herbs for her medicine" he replied. "There is no land the world is flooded can't you use seaweed or something?"I questioned. "I guess so" replied jack. "Ok let's go now " I said hurriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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