Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 2

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"Well, I guess I'll go talk to him. See what's up. I'm sorry he's being like this lately. I couldn't imagine treating anyone the way he's treating you all. Lying? Stealing? Breaking your stuff?! It's unbelievable! Maybe he needs a break, just something to think about," Hu said as he got up and walked out. The rest of the members didn't have much to say in response to that. They just knew they were angry. And Hu was loving it. The more and more he saw them all get mad at Jungkook, the more it inspired him to make it even worse. And now he could go make Jungkook feel like his hyung's hated him even more. This is working out perfectly.

Hu walked into Jungkook's room and slammed the door behind him. Jungkook shot up from his bed, his eyes were still drenched with tears. Jungkook didn't know what Hu wanted.

"So, I spoke with our hyungs," Hu started.

Jungkook didn't quite like that statement. OUR hyungs? No. They're MY hyungs!

"Do they believe me? I didn't do it Hu. All the shit going on lately, I haven't done any of it."

"Stop lying. We all know you did it. They are very mad at you. Yoongi hyung asked me to teach you a lesson."

Jungkook tensed up, something about this whole situation made him feel uneasy. "What? Teach me a lesson? What does that mean? And why would he ask YOU to do it?" He wiped his tears, still sitting up in his bed.

"Because you're bad. You've been nothing but bad. They don't even want to look at you." Hu walked towards Jungkook and hovered threateningly above him. "And they figure you won't listen to them. So they have asked me to do it, maybe then you'll stop being so bad. "

Jungkook gulped. "I... I don't understand. I didn't do anything, I'm not lying! I'm not being bad!" He cried. Hu instantly smacked him across the face, leaving him speechless for a moment.

"Why....why ... did you hit me?" Jungkook asked. His voice was trembling, he wanted his hyungs. He barely even knew Hu, what the hell gave him the right to be hitting him?!

"I told you. Yoongi hyung asked me to, and the rest of the members also seemed on board with it." He went to smack Jungkook again but he blocked it with his arm.

"That's not true, you're lying! Yoongi hyung wouldn't tell anyone to do this! None of them ever hit me!"

"I know they haven't, but they decided it's time you learn a damn lesson! They hate you Jungkook! They practically don't even want you in the band anymore!" Hu grabbed Jungkook by his shirt collar and threw him on the floor. "Leave me alone Hu! You're not in charge of me! You have no right hurting me! If Yoongi is so mad then he can do it himself!" Jungkook cried. Hyung couldn't have possibly asked Hu to really do this? That's impossible! My hyungs would never?! Would they?! They really hate me this much?! Over things I NEVER DID?!

"Well he asked me to do it! And unlike you, I do what I'm told!" Hu kicked Jungkook in the face, making the singer let out a whimper as he held his face in his hands.

Hu felt like he wasn't making a big enough impact so he decided to start making stuff up. "They hate you so much!" Hu kicked Jungkook in the stomach, causing him to crumple up into a ball. " They said they'd be better off with a different maknae at this point! None of them trust a thing you say anymore! How could you be so bad?!" Hu picked Jungkook up by his shirt collar and slammed him back onto the floor.

Jungkook was terrified. He had no idea what was going on or why. He wasn't a fighter. He did the only thing he could think to do whenever he was scared or hurt. "HYUNGS!!!" He screamed for them. He didn't care if they hated him, he just wanted someone to come make Hu stop beating on him.

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