Why Doesn't Anyone Believe Me?!- Part 3

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Hobi and Taehyung went to a couple video stores and bought some tiny go-pro cameras that they knew they could easily set up in discrete places around the house before picking up dinner and heading back to the dorm. When they got back, everyone greeted them excitedly and started grabbing their food.

"JUNGKOOK-AHHH COME EAT," Taehyung yelled for his maknae from the bottom of the stairs. Everyone looked at him, "He wasn't outside?" Namjoon asked, a little worried.

"It's freezing out why would he be outside..." Taehyung replied. Everyone looked around at eachother with a worried expression.

"Where's my maknae..?" Taehyung asked while he and Hobi stood there curious.

"Namjoon-ah kicked him out," Jin replied.

"YOU DID WHAT TO HIM?! WHY THE HELL?!" Taehyung filled with anger.

"It wasn't forever! I was going to let him back in later! He stole my laptop and deleted the entire hard drive! All that work gone! So I threw him out!" Namjoon said defensively.

Yoongi spoke up. "Namjoon you never told him you'd let him back in ..." he mentioned with nervousness in his voice. Jimin sat in silence being consumed with guilt.

Taehyung burst out in more anger. "He didn't steal your damn laptop ! Or delete anything!" He looked right at Hu and met his eyes. Hu could tell Taehyung was beginning to suspect him. Hobi grabbed Taehyung's arm. "Tae ..not now," he whispered.

"Then who did it? Was it YOU?!" Namjoon shouted.

"No!...I'm..I'm just saying why would you think Jungkookie did it?!" He frowned.

"My laptop was under his bed!!"

Taehyung's anger turned to sadness, he hated that this kept happening. He knew it wasn't his maknae, and now he's out there alone in the cold somewhere .

"I can't believe you. How could you just throw him out?! It's freezing outside! And now we don't even know where he is!" Taehyung cried.

"I didn't think he would leave! I thought he'd just sit outside!" Namjoon screamed back.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves! You're the worst hyungs ever! I hate all of you! Me and Hobi-hyung are going to go find him before he freezes to death out there!" Taehyung grabbed Hobi's arm and started dragging him back to the door.

"We will help look," Yoongi offered as he stood up.

"NO! You've all done enough already! If I find him with a single scratch or hair missing from his head I'll never forgive any of you!" Taehyung shouted as him and Hobi stormed out the door, slamming it behind them.

The rest of them sat down in silence, guilt eating away at them.

Hu finally spoke up. "They're overreacting, Jungkook will be fine."

"You don't know that. He was thrown out with nothing, in the cold, thinking we just want him gone," Jin replied as he began to cry.

"What if he's dead?" Jimin cried while staring at the floor. "It's been hours. What if someone hurt him ..or what if he...hurt himself..." he threw his head into his hands and began sobbing.

Nobody replied, they continued to sit there and silently cry. Please be okay Kookie, we're all so sorry.

"If they don't find him soon I think we should go look too," Hu stated. He wanted the members to think he was on their side, even if that meant pretending to even slightly care about their maknae. The members agreed to go and search too if they weren't back within about half an hour.

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