my phone rings 


spooky:where's cesar

"i-i don't know oscar why i just saw him at the game"

spooky; he aint answering his fuckin phone and none of his bitchass friends seen him.

"uh- don't call me that"

spooky: you're not his friend. more like his sister so call him for me. and if he doesn't answer i'm gonna go look.

"okay. bye."

spooky; bye.

i call cesar and he answers quickly

cesar: whatr what do you want im busy 

"with what because you've got your brother all riled up and ready to look for you" 

cesar; none of your business. i gotta go

"tell me what you're doing"

cesar: nothing meia shut up.

he hangs up on me and i roll over groaning. 

sapo: what happened princess. 

"cesars out doing something dumb and spookys worried cuz he wont answer hs phone and now hes prolly gonna go look for him" 

sapo: damn. you know what hes doing?

"no but i have a really horrible idea of what it is."

sapo; what

"killing latrelle." 

sapo; not likely though. cesars too pussy. 

"yea. and spooky was on his ass about it. so he's probably trying to prove him wrong."

sapo: also correct. 

"yea i know"

sapo; then what do you wanna do."


sapo: we could sleep.

"no im not tired."

sapo: i can make you tired. 

"stop being like that. i don't like it."

sapo; like what i was deadass talking about buying you them sleep gummies or plaing with your hair until you fall asleep.


sapo: ohhhhhh yea so youuuuu stop being like that.

"shut up"

sapo: make me.

i shove my fingers to the back of his throat and he coughs choking and laughing.

sapo: damn baby i ain't really mean it holy shit. 

he sits up rubbing his neck and i laugh

"you look dumb" 

sapo: dumb and sexy. 

he leans over kissing my head and i smile 

"i like that" 

sapo: i know princess. 

"my mom is really closed off to this."

sapo: whatever

"i like it though"

sapo: good. where's your bathroom.

"down the hall on the right. be careful though

sapo: why

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