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His controller dies so I put mine down

Cesar: it's cool you can keep playing

"I don't wanna."

Cesar: then what do you wanna do.

"It doesn't matter to me"

Spooky: yo cesar outside.

Cesar: for what.

Spooky: a party bitch. What else. Lil hoe Lola here

Cesar: I don't wanna.

Spooky: whatever

He closes the door again and I just sit there cuz shit I don't know how to start "I wanna do stuff with you" conversations

Cesar: your relationship boring?

"It no longer exists so yea I guess"

Cesar: oh. That's sucky.

"I guess."

Cesar: you wanna talk about it?

"Not really. Wanna hangout with the rest of the people our age"

Cesar: not really.

"Can we try and then come back if it sucks"

Cesar: yea

So we leave his room and the santos our age and a bunch of girls are all in a circle so we sit down

Marco: whos the bitch

Cesar: not a bitch and her name is meia

Marco: whatever were playing fuck as long as you want or until spooky catches you


Marco: oh what you never fucked anybody.


Marco: shit I hope I get you then

I ignore him watching them spin the beer bottle and cesar grabs it spinning it and I watch wanting it to land on me. But it doesn't, he got some girl named raya. So I watch as he gets up and goes into the bathroom with her and he comes back after like 5 minutes mad about something

Cesar: you a whole pedo bitch

Raya: and how is that

Cesar: bro I'm 15 you're 19 and you jus grabbed my dick fuck off.

"I don't like this anymore"

Cesar: come on

We go back to his room closing the door and I sit closer to him than before looking at him

Cesar: what.


So he leans in slowly, and I do the same, and we kiss. It was good. I don't know how he feels about it but I really liked it. So now we're sitting in awkward silence.

Cesar: Oscar probably wouldn't like this.

"Yea I know"

Cesar: did you like it.

"Yea. Did you?"

Cesar: yea.


Cesar: Cool.

So we sit there again with the awkward silence and spooky opens the door

Spooky: there's hella pizza if you're gonna stay in here then take two pies now.


Spooky: then get up.

"Can you get it for meeee please Oscaaaaar"

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