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My phone rings and I answer it


??: thanks for letting me have sapo.

"I didn't let you have anyone you got him high as shit and took advantage of that"

Vivi: if it was me taking advantage why'd you break up with him

"Because he's stressed anyways and I wanted to give him a break. Why are you calling me"

Vivi: just wanted to let you know he's mine now

"If that's what floats your psycho boat babe"

Vivi: shut the fuck up.

She hangs up and I get up putting my shoes on

Cesar: what

"We're going to your brothers party. I'm bored and he's a good ass DJ so come on"

Cesar: whyyyyy

"Because I said so"

Cesar: fine. But we gotta hang on the roof


We go back across the street into the backyard and I grab a cup drinking it and I give it to Oscar gagging

Spooky: what.

"You said I could drink it"

Spooky: yea. You CAN drink anything. Never said you should and I never said you'd like it.

"Ughhh do you have juice"

Spooky: fridge lil mama

"I know. I don't wanna go in there by myself"

Cesar: here.

I take the bottle from him and we walk around the side of the house and climb up onto the roof and we sit on the couch up there.

"I wanna know why we never asked your brother how and why he got a couch up here"

Cesar: he smokes up here in the middle of the night sometimes


Cesar: you smoke or drink?

"I've taken a hit from Oscar's before. Had me high as ever"

Cesar: I mean clearly you don't drink. You almost died cuz you took a sip of vodka

"Yea cuz it tastes like isopropyl alcohol"

Cesar: you want alcohol drink moonshine. That really taste like rubbing alcohol

"I gotta pee. I'm gonna make your brother catch me"

I stand up standing at the edge of the roof and I yell


Spooky: WHAT

"Catch me I needa go pee"

He rolls his eyes holding his arms out and I jump landing in his arms and he puts me down pushing me towards the house and I go inside and use the bathroom. And I go back outside and climb onto the roof and I sit back down with cesar

Cesar: you're really cute.

"Thank you. You're cute too."

Cesar: damnnn we been friends forever and I'm only cute not reeeally cute"

"Fine. You're reeeeeeally cute"

Cesar: thank you my good ma'am

"You're welcome my fine fellow"

Spooky: can y'all stop being cringy goddamn

"What're you up here for"

Spooky: bitches tryna be on my dick and I'm tryna chill so I came up here cuz they skinny ass legs can't make the climb.


He lays on my legs smoking and he offers it to me so I just take a couple hits and play with his beard waiting for the high to kick in

"You need to grow your hair out Oscar"

Spooky: why.

"Because you complain about me playing with your beard when you lay on me but you don't have any other hair to touch. What you want me to do play with your pit hair? Your pubes? Hell no"

Spooky: I don't have a problem with you playing with my beard. Playing with my mustache bothers me.

"Same thing"

Spooky: sure. Who the fuck is playin music now.

"I don't know but Normani hittin right now"

Spooky: nah u can have your shit later bruh hollon

He gets down off the roof taking control over the music again and he throws two wrapped burgers up at us

"Thank you caca baeeee"

Spooky: fuck yourself

"Your brother does that for me"

Cesar: lie.

Spooky: I know.

Cesar: meia do you understand the word sneaking.

"Yea. I just like pushing the limits of it"

Cesar: you're so weird.


Cesar: hot, attractive, needy.


Cesar: soooo needy.

"What do you mean by that"

Cesar: Nevermind that's sexual

"Tell me....pleeeeeeease"

I lean over in his face pouting and he laughs

Cesar: exactly that. You beg. And act like a little bitch when you don't get your way. That's kinky type hot.


Cesar: mhm. Can you sit on my lap please


Cesar: to cover my boner.

"Why. Nobody else is up here"

Cesar: then you wanna suck it?

"Uhuh. Only inside."

Cesar: are we going inside

"Nope. I'll sit"

He laughs as I sit on his lap playing on my phone until...

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