1. Stephanie

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That bitch, I don't even understand why she's so upset about us using the time machine.

I mean, if it's so dangerous, why make it in the first place?

We continued laughing, and I made sure that she can see how exaggerated my laugh is.

She's stuck in the middle of the pedestrian lane, trying to avoid both flying and non-flying vehicles.

If only looks could kill, we should've been already dead. We shouldn't be laughing but our always annoyed friend is now replaced by a fucking scaredy cat.

"Steff, why don't you help her already?" Arielle, or Elle, asked me.

"Why should I be the one to fucking help her?" That is like, too much a bother.

"Come on, men. Don't be a bitch." I raised my eyebrow at her. Are you serious? Me? Not be a bitch? "Don't you fucking just look at me like that, go get Harris."

Ugh. Whatever.

I walked back towards Harris while not even giving much attention to the vehicles around me.

There was one vehicle which stopped just almost an inch from me. The guy that was driving gave me the fucking finger.

I gave him two.

Upon reaching Harris, the little bitch started harassing me with unnecessary little punches.

"You little- do you want to stay here and I'll leave you to fucking die?" She immediately stopped her attacks. "I thought so." I said and rolled my eyes.

Harris was beginning to give me a death glare but I didn't give a fuck.

She looked pathetic glaring at me while holding me for her dear life.

When we finally crossed the road, she immediately let go of me and gave another glare to Elle. Elle did the same and shrugged her off.

"I can't believe you two. How could you both let me die like that?"

"Don't exaggerate, Harris. You didn't die." I said and flipped my long straight hair away from my face.

"Don't talk to me like that." She snapped. "Did you forget that it was your fault that we're in here?"

"Why? Was that time machine wasn't supposed to be used?"

"Yes." Harris answered like I was dumb and the answer was so obvious.

"Then why the fuck did you even make it?" Again, what's the use of making it if you're not going to use it? Are scientists' dumb people actually disguised as geniuses?

She didn't reply and mumbled about how we can't understand because of the differences of our IQ, etc. etc.

I turned to Elle and saw that she was surprisingly quiet while she watched us quarrel.

I gave her a shrug and she shrugged too. What the hell should we do? It's not our fault that we're as different as we can be.

Harris forced herself to stay calm and then started walking. We had no choice but to follow her.

Both Elle and I were childishly pushing one another when an earsplitting explosion was heard a few meters behind us.

The impact forced us to fall while the earth shook around us. I felt bruises on my knees and elbows, while I tried to cover my head.

It seemed like a very long time passed when the aftershock of the explosion subsided.

I struggled to stand up, Elle offered her hand and I took it.

What the fuck. My knees and elbows stings. And my dress is ruined!

Scowling at the smoke around us, I turned to look at Harris.

"What in the fucking hell was that?" I asked her. She ignored my question and began scanning the place around us.

"Oh no. Oh my. Oh, please no." She kept on mumbling to herself while people around us started to panic and run.

"Dude, stop talking to yourself and answer us." Elle grabbed Harris' shoulder and violently shook her. "Damn it, what happened? What should we do?"

Seeming to snap out of her thoughts, Harris shouted to run and took off.

I wanted to argue but another dose of the land shaking cut me off. Elle hastily followed after Harris, and I was left with no choice but to run after them.

"Where are we going?" Elle asked Harris but she didn't answer.

"Can you use your damn mouth? Where are you taking us?" I shrieked at her.

Again, she ignored us and I seriously wanted to strangle her.

I think we ran about a hundred meters. Even though I frequently work out to make my model body stay in shape, I was out of breath. Elle was in a better condition than I am, but Harris looked like she is now regretting to not have an active lifestyle.

We were now walking, the streets too peaceful and quiet for my liking.

This is un-fucking-believable. I'm going to a ball and I look like shit. I'm bruised up, my nail polish is ruined, and I'm sure I missed my appointment for the fitting of my dress.

In front of me, the both of them are also frowning while staring off to space. It was obvious that we were all deep in thought.

All the houses that we passed by were creepy. When will we stop and rest? The real question is, when will we get back to our real timeline? My legs are cramping, I want a bath, my stomach is growling and I want some food, I want some chocolates, I want some ice cream, I want-

"Stop glaring at me." Harris snapped at me, and I was surprised I was doing so. No need to doubt me, I'm telling the truth, it was unintentional. In a sense.

"Harris." I whined with my most annoying voice. "Where are we? I want to go home and have a fucking bath."

"I think it's here somewhere."

"You think?" I said, unamused.

"Harris, dude, I don't want to believe it but those explosions." Elle said with a worried expression.

"You don't have to point it out. I know, it already started."

I frowned and alternately looked at the both of them. What are those two talking about? How come Elle knew something that Harris knows about? Is Elle also a genius and she never told me about it?

It didn't take long before Harris stopped in front of one of the creepiest house I have ever seen. She took a doubtful step towards the foyer and when she was certain the floor would not crumble under her, she slowly crouched down and started to hunt for something. Upon finding it, she grabbed a piece of the floorboards and picked it up. Under it, I saw a shiny small key.

We waited for Harris to unlock the door when I heard a few blasts, and it was nearing us.

To be continued...

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