Chapter 31: The Blunder ⚡

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Sohail was silent and so disappointed in me, the answer to Amna's words never came but after very next fifteen minutes the door to the restaurant was kicked open.

Sohail briskly walked inside past the crowd and his eyes settled on me, I bowed my head down in shame and stared at his finely polished shoes instead. His trouser still needed a little bit of ironing and so did his shirt but I didn't dare to look above that.

The crowd that had gathered around to watch the free show, which was brewing with tension and suspense for them. Adam looked back and forth and Amna also gulped inn. She knew she had brought danger. I gradually lifted my eyes up and stared at his face when he was glaring at Adam, his eyes flaring with anger, grief but I also sensed disappointment in them. I held myself responsible and felt guiltily with every passing minute.

"Asalamualaikum, Sohail Sir. I'm so honored that you visited our restaurant. You rarely visit any." The hotel manager who was also a member of the crowd, walked out and shook hands with Sohail. Sohail forced a smile on his face and greeted him back.

"WalaikumaSalam." Was all he said.

Adam stepped forward. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I apologise on Amna's behalf she just misinterpreted things, Samreen was here to help." Adam spoke, Sohail just listened and gave a brief nod.

"Alright! Sorry for the inconvenience everybody. I would respect if none of the content is shared, deleted videos will be appreciated." The manager said and the gathered crowd sighed like their mom just shut the TV at the wrong g moment. They parted way, and sat on their respective chairs instead.

The manager also walked away and gave us some personal space. A deafening silence fell over us, we all stared down at the tiled floor until Adam walked forward. "I would rather leave," was all he said and dragged Amna out with him. Amna didn't protest this time, she just walked out of the mess she had created and now I was suppose to tidy up.

"Let's go home." Sohail announced, I just grabbed my purse from the nearest table and followed after him, all the eyes followed us the to the door and I took a deep breath when we were able to breath the fresh air. I was so lost as I stared at the cars in the parking, Sohail gestured and pointed at our car. I walked over and we both got on our side of the chairs. He was on the driving seat and I was on the passenger seat beside him. We both gently shut the door behind, Sohail placed his mobile and car keys in the pouch as he started the car with remote.

He reversed and gently with twist and turns we finally made it in the main road, the pin drop silence was suffocating. I wanted to apologise and explain myself to him, I'm sure he would've have made this lunch an issue but I had never been honest with him either.

I never told him about the wedding, neither did I mention the arrangement and short trips. I also lied about the robbery and ended up spending the night out. We also shared one room and Amna has mentioned to him and the worst part was that he hadn't heard them from me. A stranger had told him about his wife's whereabouts and he had been too innocent and busy to notice.

I would've throttled his neck if he had spent a night out with Rania, no matter the circumstances. I just hope he doesn't do the same.

Sohail had his hands tightly gripping the starring wheel. I wondered what Adam and Amna would be talking about, will they be able to sort it out or worsen the situation. Sohail was wise, humble and tolerant but the last thing he deserved was unfaithfulness and I had been nothing but unfaithful and full of betrayal.

Sohail took a right when we were suppose to turn left. "Why aren't we going home?" I asked. He didn't even turn to spare me a glance and his eyes stilled on the road. I knew he did not plan on answering me either but eventually he did.

"We are." Was all he said in his perfectly stern and collected tone. The nerve of this guy, he wouldn't even show emotions when they are most triggered.

I didn't ask any question even though I didn't get him. We definitely weren't heading home, I stayed silent and focused on the road instead. He took a right, then another right. He was taking me to my home, and the thought enough was frightening to stiffen me. "I'm sorry."

He took a left, the guards opened the society gates as we entered. "When is his wedding?" He asked.

His car entered second Street on left and stopped right outside the house. "Take me home. I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong. At least you should've heard all that from me, despite of a stranger." I reasoned. A tear dropped down my eye and fell on the back of my hand - my hands resting on my lap with one on the top of other.

"Come home when you're done with him." He said, I stayed still didn't move an inch. Sohail exaggerated a sigh and leaned forward, he pulled down the door handle for me, he wasn't a breath away and then in an instant he pulled back as he sat back on his chair when the door flung open. I closed the door, without getting off the car and turned to face him.

"I'm done with him, ever since the day I married you." I assured but he scoffed and rolled his eyes away. I was left heart broken and just stared at him. He hated me! All the love was gone and I lost it, I couldn't get hold of the sand that was slipping from my hands.

"It's seems you aren't." He added disappointingly and paused. "As your husband I will be attending the wedding, after all he is your first cousin. I will drive you home from the wedding till then stay here. Let's just take a break." He suggested and this was the worst suggestion ever that came from him.

"He had booked the hall, the wedding invites had been sent. Suddenly just few days after we got married his wedding hall and planners backed off. He was helpless and I as his cousin wanted to be off some help. We went to Lahore, a few days ago just before I went shopping with Aunty Laila. We were booking some decorators and the one we wanted refused since we needed to book two months ago. He suggested some locals and it almost took us a day to look out of them. We still didn't plan on staying there." I paused and let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was glad Sohail didn't kick me out of the car and tentatively listened to me even if his eyes were still on the road. I continued, "but we did, on our way back home we stopped at a petrol station. Adam was busy with the fuel whereas I went of to the pump shop and bought myself a burger-"

"Alone?" He asked, my heart leaped with happiness when he questioned me. He was listening, and for sure he was concerned.

I nodded. "Just as I walked back my purse wasn't in the car anymore and the window was broken. We had been robbed, I lost my money, phone, credit cards and all the essentials. I started crying and seeing me all panicked, Adam called Ahmed. Ahmed scolded me for hiding things from you." Sohail twitched his lip and rolled his eyes away. "Ahmed suggested that we stay the night and not come back alone at night as I was girl and if something were to happen, Adam wouldn't be able to protect me. We stayed the night in a local motel. The rooms were all booked but thankfully the one we got had two single beds. We spent the night there and on the very next morning he dropped me at work."

"So the night you had spent with your family was actually the night you had spent with him?" He asked, matching the dots and answering his baffled thoughts.

"Yes," I admitted bitting the edge of lower lip and bowed my head down in shame.

"Ahmed had been a part of this too?" He asked disappointed, he also knew he was partly responsible.

"Yes." I answered. No more lying, I had done enough damage to him and too everyone else.

"Why don't you spend the rest of your nights here for real this time?" Sohail asked his voice laced with sarcasm. I was silent and as still as a dead body, once again he came over leaned and pulled the door handle down.

Guys let me know what you feel about his decision? Is taking a break an appropriate thing to do??

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