Snowball Fight..

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"Oh this is war" Armin growled as he glared towards Eren who gladly glared back.

"First to surrender loses" Eren offered as he held his hand out to his friend and makeshift enemy right now. 

"Just don't use up all the tissues at once when I win and leave you a sobbing mess" Armin smirked back as he shook Eren hand, agreeing to the terms.

"What did we just witness" Levi asked completely confused over the whole showdown and looked to Mikasa for answers since she stood rather use to such an odd sight. 

"The start of a The Ordinal Trio War .. I don't know why they add me since I don't have anything to do with it and just get pulled into it" Mikasa sighed,  already fed up since this was normal for her now whenever snow was near.

"Should we be worried over this war?" Moblit spoke up with worry as he watched both Eren and Armin storm over to opposite sides within the base open area that was nothing but pure white from all the heavy fallen snow left untouched. 

"Well, they're making barricades out of snow ... I don't think we'll see any blood" Hanji answered as she watched the angry childhood friends push snow together to make barricades opposite each other.

"Do we have to offer our own help and if we do then how do we pick teams?" Sasha replied slightly confused as she nibbled on the half loaf of bread she stole just minutes before. 

"Oh, I'm gonna help Armin bury Eren in the snow .. its the only time its not illegal" Jean smirked and soon ran over towards Armin to give him a hand. Looking forward over starting a fight with Eren without any risk of being in trouble afterwards. 

"I think I might go join Eren team. I've got some built up frustration over having my quiet afternoons ruined by Jean angry rants after fighting with Eren. I've always watched to punch him but getting my revenge with snow .. I think that might just work for me too" Marco admitted as he slipped into god mode and soon hurried over to Eren happy to help make snowballs ammo.

"I want to join!!" Connie yelled out like an excited child as he jumped on the spot, wanting to join in the fun already. 

"Yeah! This looks like some real fun" Reiner agreed with an grin, crackling his knuckles as he thought over what team to join. 

"But how do we decide teams?" Christa asked with a small smile as she knew they'd have to try and make the teams a little more fair. 

"I'm not so good with snow. I get colds easily and will be heading back inside again. Good luck with the snowball fight and let me know who wins later" Bertholdt weakly smiled as he scratched the back of his head and knowing the memory wasn't worth getting a bad cold over.

"Party pooper! Where's your Christmas spirit!" Ymir called back, booing Bertholdt as he hurried back inside.  

"Hanji join Eren team. I'm going with Armin. All those heart attacks and all nighters you've pulled me through .. prepare to eat snow" Moblit ordered out without a second thought as he's waited for a day like today to come for his revenge to be released without fear of punishment later. 

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