Close Encounters of the Intimate Kind *NSFW*

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 It had been two days and one night since Bi-Han left for Raiden's temple. You kept to yourself, acted as though nothing was different. One of the other servants had walked in on you and his goodbye, both of your hands held between his own as he bid you farewell. She had just about fallen over when she realised his helmet was off. She hadn't looked at you the same since but apart from that, no one was any wiser about your connection with Bi-Han and you hoped to keep it that way. All you had to do was keep your head down unless it was absolutely necessary not to. Keep reporting your visions to Shang Tsung and go about your duties as normal until Bi-Han returned.

You hated it.

You hated that you needed his help to escape but deep down you knew you did. He was one of Shang Tsung's most trusted warriors and if anyone would be able to convince the sorcerer to free you or help you escape, it was him. You knew that even Shang Tsung feared him just a little and that was no small feat.

Worry began to seep into your chest as the sun started to set over the jagged hills on the horizon. Still no sign of Bi-Han. If he didn't return then you were stuck here but despite that, you also couldn't deny that you also just missed him. He saw you not as a soothsayer or some kind of tool to win this war, he saw you for you. And he wasn't afraid of you. Most of the other servants were, likely as a result of your abilities. You couldn't blame them, almost everyone else with special abilities who passed through the castle would likely treat them like they did the earth beneath their boot.

It likely would have taken Bi-Han a full day or more to even find Raiden's temple, let alone complete whatever mission was bestowed upon him. But still you couldn't help but worry for him.

Dread swam in the pit of your stomach and you couldn't shake the feeling that things wouldn't end well for him. The crimson thread that spun the web of his fate was running out.

You just had to hope that it didn't run out before he was ready for it.

"Take him to our nearest room." Shang Tsung waved his hand in dismissal as he walked back towards his throne. He was not at all pleased with the developments of the day. Raiden was clever. He had underestimated his powers before and swore he wouldn't again but here he was, beaten again by a god and his force field.

A figure emerged from the side of Shang Tsung's throne and Bi-Han lifted his head in anticipation. When he saw it wasn't you he felt his heart sink. He followed the woman in a haze, not even sparing her a glance. Instead he thought of you, worried for your safety and longing for your embrace. He was battered from his run in with the two monks, his body ached and mind felt clouded but even just seeing your face would fix all of that.

The woman opened the door to a spare room in the palace just as you had. She motioned for him to step inside, still not meeting his eyes. He stepped in but before she could follow, a voice cut through the air.

"I'll take it from here, thank you." You told your fellow servant, who bowed politely and quickly moved along. She seemed relieved to not have to tend to him. You appeared in the doorway then, barely any different to when he had seen you last. The way you looked at him now, utter joy glowing in your eyes and a smile gracing your lips, he felt his stomach flutter and his burdens slip away.

You closed the door behind you quietly, not before poking your head around the doorway and checking no one was looking on. When you turned around he stood right beside you, bright eyes immediately locked onto yours.

"Gotta say, I was wondering if you were coming back. I was getting worried." You wanted to embrace him as you would someone you'd known for an age. It felt like you had but you didn't want to scare him off, if that was even possible.

Close Encounters (Bi-Han/Sub-Zero x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now