The Last Encounter

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About a year after you gained your freedom there was a knock on your door.

When you opened it, admittedly more carelessly than you should have, you saw a man in Lin Kuei armour. He dressed head to toe in silvers, greys and smooth purples. He came with a letter from Kuai Liang, the seal of the Lin Kuei stamped firmly at its centre. It had been months since you'd heard from Kuai but to be fair he had absolutely no idea how to reach you or even where you were apart from the vague idea of what you were planning when you left the Lin Kuei. That was months ago and you had moved around a lot since then.

He had to send the silver-clad assassin after you. Not to kill you of course, he just had to send someone with his letter who he could trust to find you and not expose your location to anyone you wouldn't want to know. The assassin he sent to find you was sweet but odd in a way you couldn't place although maybe that was because his official job title for the Lin Kuei was "assassin". His codename was Smoke but he insisted you call him Tomáš. He seemed to hate formalities. You knew him from the short time spent at the Lin Kuei temple. He and Kuai seemed close. Tomáš was instructed to stay with you until you had read and understood Kuai's letter, in case you had any questions or wanted him to take you anywhere.


I hope you are well and have adjusted to your new life on Earth. Should you ever need anything, know that I and the entire might of the Lin Kuei are with you but unfortunately this letter is not merely an extension of aid.

Bi-Han is alive. At least in body though certainly not in mind. He calls himself Noob Saibot and walks among us as a wraith now and has crawled his way out of the Netherrealm. I do not know what this wraith's purpose is or truly how he walks among us. I know only that he is pure evil. He has been stripped of everything that made him Bi-Han. He hasn't a single shred of humanity left.

I tell you this in case he aims to make contact with you. I am not certain he will but it is a possibility. I do not wish for you to be caught off guard by the creature and have such sent this letter with Smoke with the utmost haste. Should you wish it, he can bring you back to the temple at your earliest convenience until the matter is dealt with but of course the choice is yours. I am truly sorry for the pain this news must cause you but I thought you ought to know for your own safety. Bi-Han would never forgive himself if anything were to happen to you but this isn't Bi-Han and I do not know if he will have any regard for your safety.

If you need anything or have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak with Smoke. He was all too eager to meet you as he greatly admired Bi-Han when he was still with us. If he is an irritant you have my written permission to kick him out into the cold.

Take care,


"Are you alright? Sorry I don't mean to overstep but that can't have been an easy read. Kuai's worried he'll come after you since you were so close to Sub-Zero when he died."

"Why would he?" You asked, trying not to let your eyes wander to the shadow that skulked his way through your home. Tomáš didn't seem to notice him at all.

"No idea. Kuai says he's just plain evil now. Just murdering whoever and whenever he likes. I think he's just being careful by letting you know. I'm not sure he'd ever forgive himself if something happened to you since you meant so much to Bi-Han." You didn't say much, still processing it all, "Any thoughts on if you'd like to come back to the temple? I know it's not home but you'll be safe there. Noob wouldn't dare try and get past what's left of the Lin Kuei. He couldn't even if he wanted to."

"I only knew Bi-Han for about a week, less even. I see no reason for this wraith version of him to seek me out. If anything it's Kuai who should be worried about protecting himself." He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't want to hurt you, "What is it Tomáš?"

Close Encounters (Bi-Han/Sub-Zero x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now